LLYN BRENIG - July 2022

link to JUNE 2022

1st fish of July 2022 arrived at 07.34. Not too shabby an effort! Headless trout delivered by LJ2 whilst LM6 was off the nest. She soon followed on to collect the fish.

It looks like it was a nice calm morning.

LM6 and the chicks got a couple of feeds off this fish before LJ2 took it away. He returned with what was left at around 10.40.

LJ2 started eating it on the nest. Chick #2 came to see if it could get any and LJ2 gently fed it a few pieces before finishing it off.

  • 22.35 LJ2 calls at the nest to see his family

    LM6 thinks he should’ve brought a fish and let’s him know! Night cam comes on

    He leaves quietly after 3 mins of ear bashing! 

  • Saturday 9th July

    Good morning and the first fish of the day arrives at 05.47

    LM6 flies down from her perch to the nest to collect the fish.

    LJ2 holds onto the fish, as they stop to listen to nearby corvids

    He walks the fish across the nest and takes it in his beak

    He lets go and KA9 is on hand to collect the fish (Left)

    LM6 then moves in and takes it from KA9, now 5 minutes since the fish is delivered!

    LM6 now has the fish but the chicks turn and move away

    Any takers?

    LM6 starts eating the fish with no response from the chicks. She moves closer and gently calls with small pieces in her beak, neither chick is interested.

    LM6 continues eating, the chicks continue resting and do a bit of preening 

    After eating more than half the fish, LM6 moves forward to fly off but lands on the unsuspecting chicks


    The chicks get a big fright

    LM6 frees herself from the chicks but X6 who got the brunt of the landing, gets up startled and starts attacking KA9

    who moves away calling 

    and assumes a defensive position

    Thankfully it is short lived and LM6 then flies off 

    to be replaced by LJ2 who removes the remaining fish. So the chicks were still full up after getting most of their feeds yesterday later into the day/evening.

  • 11.34, LJ2 brings in another fish

    and lands on the edge of the nest.

    LM6 goes over to collect it

    she takes it to the front of the nest and the chicks come to be fed. All straightforward this time!

  • 12.27 LJ2 lands on the nest chipping and mantling.

    LM6 starts mantling too. Their eyes follow an unseen intruder.

  • Thank you for all the updates Glider, they really are doing well, such a relief after last year.
  • 14.28 Fish incoming!

    LJ2 lands at the back of the nest with the fish.

    LJ2 starts pecking at the fish and LM6 moves over to collect it. KA9 is up on his feet moving towards the fish too.

    X6 then gets up and is able to take the fish from LJ2

    All eyes on X6

    She continues holding and trying to eat the fish as LM6 moves closer to take it.

    LM6 then holds back and allows X6 to continue 

    LM6 waits a few minutes then flies off the nest. X6 shields the fish from KA9 who makes no attempt to get it.

    LM6 returns and is soon able to move in for the fish when X6 gives up.

    LM6 is then in control of the feed and both chicks take as much as they want.

  • JaneV said:
    Thank you for all the updates Glider, they really are doing well, such a relief after last year.

    You’re very welcome Jane. After last year we didn’t know what to expect. Well done to these 2 ospreys for trying again and becoming the great parents that they are. Slight smile

  • 16.16 Fish delivery! LJ2 to the left of the nest holding the fish.

    LJ2 starts to eat the fish, X6 goes over to ask for some with LM6 behind.

    KA9 opts to do some wing exercising instead

    X6 gets a few pieces from LJ2 who is not as generous as LM6 at sharing!

    LM6 decides to take over and takes the remaining fish from LJ2

    KA9 then shows interest in feeding and gets fed the remainder of the fish.

  • 18.11, LJ2 to the nest with a fish. LM6 manages to balance on his wing! Lol Laughing 

    LM6 flies down from the perch for the fish.

    LJ2 hands over the fish straight away this time

    KA9 goes forward to the fish. X6 goes in the other direction, very near to the edge of the nest.

    Half time and chicks swap over, it’s X6’s turn to be fed now.

    LM6 gets a few scraps for herself at the end of the feed. 

  • 20.24 and LM6 flies onto the nest from nearby. She must’ve seen LJ2.

    20.25 and LJ2 arrives with supper. I can actually see the fish this time and it looks like a lively perch.

    He again releases it quickly to LM6

    Both chicks decide to come over together to be fed. X6 to the left.