Weekly Chat (Non-Osprey), 12 June 2022


Please check back to last week's thread to view another installment of Lindy's descriptions and mesmerizing photos of her recent cruise. I've enjoyed them so much.

This week, the moon turns full on Tuesday, 14 June. It's the second of four consecutive supermoons, when the full moon of the month occurs as the moon is at or near perigee (its closest point to the Earth in its monthly orbit). If your skies are cloudy, you can watch the full moon rise online. Info is HERE at Space.com, a safe site.

I expect to have a lazy week myself, because Indiana will be part of the massive, record-breaking heat wave that's predicted to hit much of the U.S. My temperatures will be around 100F or 38C for several days, with high humidity. 

Take care, everyone. 

  • I will go through and reply to what people have been doing as soon as I have caught up. Apologies for not doing so yet.  It’s always the same after a holiday isn’t it and I was only away for 6 days!!!!

    However, I thought these photos from my birding holiday might amuse you. It seems they are having a decorated Highland Cow (or Heiland Coo) thing going on in the area. Got 3 photos but the one at Aviemore Station didn’t come out as we were whizzing past in the bus!!!!

  • Do note the amusing chain link cow pat in this one!!!!! 

  • Do note the amusing chain link cow pat in this one!!!!

  • Oops. Sorry. That posted twice!!!
  • Rusty So please you managed a break up here and got to LG. The coos are part of a charity push for the hospice and are sponsored by local businesses. There are 22 in all. The one in chains is not part of the project. Sadly the one in Inverness has been vandalised a couple of times. Why oh why do people do these things. I think the coos will be around until August.
  • Rusty:  I like the chain link cow in terms of realism (and reuse of materials), but the two fanciful ones are cute.

    Diane:  Arghhh.  Don't forget to drink lots of water while sitting in front of that fan.  Looks like it gets hotter in the evenings there.  :-(    Have you tried placing a tub of ice water in front of the fan?  I heard that helped, but thank heaven haven't had to try it.  How far is it to the 'big' neighborhood store?  Man (or woman) cannot live on burritos alone.  :-)  Nice that your Indianapolis friend offered a cool place to stay; hope she also offered the necessary transportation......   Re 'helpful' critters, the AZ property has a large resident gopher snake (non-poisonous) which, although not necessarily attractive to our eyes, does keep any rodents under control and as a consequence makes it harder for rattlesnakes to establish a foothold on the property.   Meanwhile, I was out for a walk this morning - it was already very warm - and then suddenly this wonderful fog bank crept in over the beach and the temperature dropped immediately.

    Hallo to everyone else  Wave

  • Rusty -- You shouldn't feel you have to reply to everyone/everything..... Love the "coos!"

    It's been very warm here but not as hot as parts of the UK. We also got a shower of tiny raindrops this afternoon, just after I had settled myself with a cup of tea in a comfortable chair in the garden. Had to rush to remove my OHs book and the chair cushions!

    Tried to record the Strawberry Moon last night as it was astounding at bedtime. Of course, with just my phone, it wasn't exactly successful:

  • Strawberry Moon

    Oh! Beautiful Moon--
    How astounding your beauty
    As you float way above us
    Parading your looks of loveliness
    Pale pink, and luscious.

    Our mouths gape open in awe
    As we head for the bathroom door-
    Reluctant to go to bed
    We'd rather gaze at you, instead.
  • Grr....... can't get rid of the repeat.. ...