Weekly Chat (Non-Osprey), 12 June 2022


Please check back to last week's thread to view another installment of Lindy's descriptions and mesmerizing photos of her recent cruise. I've enjoyed them so much.

This week, the moon turns full on Tuesday, 14 June. It's the second of four consecutive supermoons, when the full moon of the month occurs as the moon is at or near perigee (its closest point to the Earth in its monthly orbit). If your skies are cloudy, you can watch the full moon rise online. Info is HERE at Space.com, a safe site.

I expect to have a lazy week myself, because Indiana will be part of the massive, record-breaking heat wave that's predicted to hit much of the U.S. My temperatures will be around 100F or 38C for several days, with high humidity. 

Take care, everyone. 

  • Oh, heck AQ --I must have read it in a hurry. Sorry!

    A strangely grey day here. My OH picked more new potatoes, for our meal tonight. I finally made a small dent in the ironing pile. Bonnie has almost stopped limping so we were right in thinking that she had just pulled a muscle.

    My poppies often open one at a time.....

  • Good Morning. Sunny out of my window. Warmer days ahead promised, in fact in the South of UK it could be very hot.

    My OH has gone off to golf, optimistically wearing his shorts. I've just got the mundane things to do, including going into town for various errands.
  • A friend has given me a book entitled "Old Age is Not for Cissies"

    I thought I might share some of its wisdom with you, from time to time.

    Firstly" "Middle age is when everything starts to wear out, fall out, or spread out."

    Also: "Old age is when you can't remember what you never forgot."

    "Age isn't important, unless you're cheese... .... "

  • Hi everyone, just been catching up on all your news. Managed to get a partial refund on our holiday insurance. Decided to go up to Manchester the week we would have been in Turkey and have a couple of days away the week before at Longleat , so at least we'll get away for a break.

    Diane , thanks for starting us off and hope you don't fry with those temperatures forecast. Keep cool.

    Lindybird, loved all the photos, especially the ones of Shetland. My dad was posted there for a time in the Royal Navy during WW2, I also watch the programmes that come from there. Looks a really wonderful place to be.

    Pat and Heather, nothing wrong with paper clip and super glue, they manage to pull together many a broken item. I use super glue quite a bit.

    Weather down here has been cloudy but warmish. We are supposed to he heading for a mini heatwave and then back to normal at the weekend..
  • I posted a line yesterday about my father, who famously mended most things, including his shoes, with a stapler gun! No superglue in those days.

    Lynette, I hope you have a good break in Manchester.

    It's bright and sunny here. I got my errands done in the town, picked up some more bedding plants in the local market, and headed home - as I got through the front door, the phone was ringing madly. There seemed to be an urgency about it, so I threw the shopping down and answered -- a relative of a relative has had a massive stroke. She is in hospital and awaiting the decisions of the medics on her condition. We can only wait and see.
  • Footnote: There are now two little bobbleheads in the nest at Loch Garten. Thankfully the male seems to be a good provider.
  • Lindy - Thank you for the great quotes from your book. They are going straight into this week's church newsletter!

    Brilliant sunshine here, and 21 degrees at the moment. Forecast to be up to 30 degrees on Friday. Lovely!
  • I have been back from my fantastic birdwatching holiday for about 2 hours. I have just sat down for a little rest after organising things.
    I tried to post from the hotel but the wi fi in my room was very iffy and kept dropping out.
    I will have a go at writing a report when I have time in the next few days. However, yesterday I was very very excited to finally achieve my ambition - yes - I visited Loch Garten!!! I watched the nest from the visitors centre. The male flew past and then the female got up from the nest for a fly around. I was grinning from ear to ear. The volunteers are all really excited about the 2 chicks.