Weekly Chat (Non-Osprey), 5 June 2022


I hope everyone has a joyful week. 

The Brood X cicadas were screaming today on my patch. About a week ago, I noticed some big holes at the bottom of my trees. Various critters dig holes in my yard, so I didn't think much about it. Since then, I've seen articles about some of last year's Brood X cicadas popping up this year. Apparently, some of the bugs, called "stragglers," decided to sleep in, and they're appearing this year instead of last year. In most cases, it's because our soil didn't warm up to the required 64 degrees Fahrenheit until too late to wake them up in 2021. So, some of the noisy screechers decided to hit their snooze alarm and climb out this year instead!

  • Morning all:

    dibnlib:  Hope all is well in your part of the world...

    Harelady:  Well, sounds like part-time might give you the best of both worlds: time to do things you enjoy and are good for you and a still provide a little extra pocket money for this and that.  I saw on the BBC UK website today that it was costing nearly $100 to fill up a 55-litre tank.  Were you talking automobile gasoline (petrol) prices per litre or something else?  A 55-litre tank equates to 14.5 -gallon tank in the U.S., which currently costs $87 to fill in many areas.  I think my math (or at least Google's math!) is correct. Can't cope with translating all that to AQ's figures!  :-))  Did your son's family move into the flat before or after Covid?  I assume they aren't tele-commuting. Housing costs here are awful; I don't know how young people can make things work even with two salaries, but with child care too....  And as usual, low-income folks are the ones hit hardest.

  • Its been trumpeted all day here in the news bulletins that a full tank of petrol now costs £100. We both looked at each other, remembering that our fathers had once both bought an entire (2nd hand) car second hand for that amount!

    The weather here has been ever changing, to the point that when I went out in the car to town, I took two coats with me, one light and one waterproof. In the end, I had to drive to Sue's afterwards without a coat on, as it was too warm. But too windy and showery to sit in her garden! I gave her a pair of my shoes for a jumble sale, and a handbag I no longer use. She is very good and helps with a lot of charitable things in her village. I wore new sandals on our holiday and my OH made no comment, as doubtless he wasn't sure whether he'd seen them before!! LOL!! I needed new ones with very low heels as although I don't wear high ones, I was frightened of falling over in public with my wonky knees....

    Annette - I'm a different woman since the covid days. I got so weak last year that I could barely walk around my own garden. Then gradually my strength returned, but I still can't go far as my knees complain. My OH is very good and lends an elbow a lot.
  • Annette - Sadly, not $100, but almost £100. It probably is up there by now - prices are rising by several pennies every day. Inflation running just under 10%, gas and electricity rising astronomically ... and pensions up by just 3%. Go figure, as you are more likely to say than I am ...!
  • Just seen your post, Annette. We pay more for both petrol and diesel now. Our road tax is imagined by many to help upkeep the roads, but in fact I learned last year that it goes straight into the Government's coffers and roads are paid for by a central fund (new roads, that is) whilst road repairs are paid for by our own local Councils, which is why nearly all the roads in the UK are falling apart! Local Councils are struggling to pay extra for all the recycling required of them, plus the burden of an ever ageing population. They have nothing left for grass cutting, road repairs or etc.
  • Next instalment:  Monday 30th May. 

    Weather overcast - temps around 13 degrees. We awoke in  the next fjord, ( Eidfjord and Hardangerfjord)and looked in wonder around at the scenery. So beautiful, so neat, so peaceful. I read that the Norwegians are amongst the happiest people in the world.

    We were booked for a tour on a coach, taking in the countryside and ending at one of their highest waterfalls. Voringfloss. 

    1st view that day.

    Realised we had gone under an impressive bridge! I caught better pictures of it on our way out again! 

  • The little town of Eidfjord. So tidy and neat! The red cones are warning pedestrians not to fall over our mooring lines.

    The Victorian style Hotel at the head of the water. With their national flag flying proudly in front.

  • More later - I have to go cook dinner!
  • We were not starting out on our trip until the afternoon, so decided to enjoy a walk around before lunch. We found these swans,  who weren't interested in us, at all.

    Not many flowers in gardens, as we have, but then they can't plant things which won't survive the bitter winters. Several people had put out joyous and colourful tulips, though.

  • We approached a road skirting the water and decided to walk along its tree lined path. Then I realised that they were not Ordinary Trees ....

    They all had knitted additions!

  • AQ The son of a friend was married recently. His Dad wore tartan trews while the groom, best man and others wore their kilts. Many weddings up here have a good few kilts on show and boy do they look smart. Kilts are very expensive pieces of kit and many are bought as gifts for sons on their 18th 0r 21st birthdays.