Weekly Chat (Non-Osprey), 5 June 2022


I hope everyone has a joyful week. 

The Brood X cicadas were screaming today on my patch. About a week ago, I noticed some big holes at the bottom of my trees. Various critters dig holes in my yard, so I didn't think much about it. Since then, I've seen articles about some of last year's Brood X cicadas popping up this year. Apparently, some of the bugs, called "stragglers," decided to sleep in, and they're appearing this year instead of last year. In most cases, it's because our soil didn't warm up to the required 64 degrees Fahrenheit until too late to wake them up in 2021. So, some of the noisy screechers decided to hit their snooze alarm and climb out this year instead!

  • Sorry you had a bad night, OG. We also enjoyed the garden yesterday- dropped everything to sit in garden chairs and do nothing for an hour or two, as the sun was warm and everywhere was quiet. (Next door are away in Portugal.) Then I roused myself and pulled a few weeds.

    Today we decided to go to the local plant nursery, and fetch some plants to put in my hanging baskets, etc. We braved the showers and I pottered around, choosing this & that - I found an Oriental Poppy and treated myself! Looking forward to the big buds on it, opening.

    When we got home, we found there wasn't a key for the conservatory door where we usually leave it. I turn the key and take it out of the door normally, when I leave the house. I didn't panic and went to look in the hall. Not there. Not in my handbag, which I must have picked up before leaving. Have just spent half an hour searching before stopping for lunch. Then another 20 mins since lunch. Grr! One final try, look back in the handbag - there it is, with my credit cards. No memory of putting it there which is worrying but at least my OH has now stopped fretting.
  • Heather- Oh no! You're lucky you didn't slip on the wet floor making everything even worse! So sorry.....
  • Diane-I can relate to the auditorium syndrome! Heights combined with crowds are a scary combination!
    Changing subject, I wish there were more options than a "Like" button. maybe a laughter button and a sad button...
  • I gave the young plumber a bacon roll for his breakfast - he was so happy that he came back at 10 ish to do the job that was going to be done on Friday ! I always feed workmen, etc, he told me that its usually the older clients that are good, in that respect :-) So everything is fixed and I'll have to be more careful in future...

  • Wonderful that he turned up so soon and now all is well, Heather, except, I expect, for a couple of bruises for you.

    bjane - I've thought that for ages. I always want to put an emoji thingy but we don't have those, either. So I guess we're stuck with just :-) and ;-)
  • The Plumber

    I made the plumber a bacon roll -
    I was grateful that he was a helpful soul
    Who turned up, upon my anguished cry
    To fix my leaks whilst he was passing by.

    To feed a man is always good:
    We know the way to his heart is through his food!
    So he was touched, by my tender care
    And came straight back to sort things there -

    My towel rail was hanging loose
    I fell, and felt I was rather a goose
    But now, all is now again fine and dandy
    My towels can hang there, nice and handy.

    I shall rub my poor bruised legs
    When you fall, quite unsuspecting,
    You don't expect to be cooking bacon
    For a man in the bathroom, with
    You in your apron!
  • HEATHER – Do be careful; please slow down. Towel rail is easier to fix than you. {{{HUGS}}}

    LINDA – Lovely pic of Rosie. I like her kilt. Just thinking – don’t see kilts worn any more. No longer fashionable?

    OG – I am hoping the lorikeets will be brave and ”see off” the aggressive noisy miners who claim we are invading their territory. We were here first!

  • Just a thought

    Europeans: I drove 40 minutes to spend the weekend in Paris, then popped to Germany to visit family on the way home.
    Australians: I was in Queensland and drove for 18 hours. Now I’m still in Queensland.

  • Evening all:

    Harelady:  Do you want to go part-time?  Maybe the dizziness is due to those ear crystals?   The Walt Disney auditorium at the Music Center in Los Angeles (at least in the section where I bought tickets) has some disconcertingly steep seating.....

    Lindybird: I can't imagine you as frail. They must've been very young helpers.  Besides, getting on and off a ship is tricky at the best of times.   Surely Bonnie isn't old enough for joint problems.....   I wouldn't worry about the conservatory key - you were distracted and preoccupied with the upcoming trip

    AQ:  Those rainbow lorikeets are spectacular.

    Heather:  So sorry about the leak, especially that it wasn't obvious right at the start.  Hope the ceiling stain won't create another clean up job, but brilliant that the bacon roll made such an impression on the plumber!  Yay.  

    OG: Here's to better night's sleep ahead!

  • Today, 2½ years since my last bus trip (none in summer for obvious reasons), I have been brave & booked my next day trip for late August. Covid cases are still quite high but I have had 4 covid jabs & flu jab and I shall take my masks. We go to places I have been several times, but there is always more to see in our old country towns; besides I don’t know how fit I am for dashing around photo-ing whenever we stop. It only cost me an extra $1 (ie £½), as I had a voucher from a covid-cancelled trip!