Weekly Chat (Non-Osprey), 5 June 2022


I hope everyone has a joyful week. 

The Brood X cicadas were screaming today on my patch. About a week ago, I noticed some big holes at the bottom of my trees. Various critters dig holes in my yard, so I didn't think much about it. Since then, I've seen articles about some of last year's Brood X cicadas popping up this year. Apparently, some of the bugs, called "stragglers," decided to sleep in, and they're appearing this year instead of last year. In most cases, it's because our soil didn't warm up to the required 64 degrees Fahrenheit until too late to wake them up in 2021. So, some of the noisy screechers decided to hit their snooze alarm and climb out this year instead!

  • Hi folks, been out of commission all last week as started with falls again at the end of May, saw GP on the Monday re some new medication but never got that far. Advised Dau who was with me to take me down to A&E as it would be quicker than calling an ambulance. Its all to do with an overwhelming build up of c2o in my body. Was in A&E for 2 days ,meanwhile put on oxygen, and then up to an assessment ward. Finally discharged on the Friday but no nearer as to what is wrong. They are now asking me to get a GP's referral to the Sleep Apnea clinic to see if that is the cause. So , I am now waiting to be seen by the Respitory dept and have to sort the other thing out. How frustrating it is.

    Lindy - just seen your pics of the Norweigan cruise.

    Not going to go back and read all but do hope that you are all keeping relatively well. Will summer come, who knows, the weather at present is dull and damp at times.
  • Lynette:  What a pain that you're still having problems.  I guess the 'upside' is that they're narrowing it down.....do hope so.   Has anyone mentioned portable oxygen devices?

    Lindybird:  Some really gorgeous photos - especially of the light on the water behind the ship.  I imagine your upgrade to a suite at the stern turned out well in terms of being able to take in the view on both sides.  I like mountains, but prefer to have them back a bit from the water - I find it a bit intimidating to have them looming so close on both sides!  And to think that sharp downward slope extends so far below the surface!   No wonder the Norwegians are a hardy lot!    I've been reading about all the people stranded by the airlines.  Was it the airline or the travel agency that messed up?

    Heather:  No acrobatics in the bathroom please. What a shame about the towel bar.   Hope you didn't pull anything else (muscles, etc.)...   

    Hallo to everyone else - have a super time away Rusty!

  • Our granddaughter Rosie in a Jubilee mood!!

    (They had a street party)

  • Lindybird:  Cute pic of Rosie under the heading of "...and  now for something completely different."

    Did anyone see the extended video of Louis having a major tantrum at the Jubilee parade?  It's bad enough when your kids embarrass you in the local supermarket, but in front of the Entire World??  Arghhh.

  • Lynette, sorry to hear you've been poorly, and in hospital, too. I do hope that the medics can sort out what is wrong.

    Annette, The antics of Prince Louis were passed off as cute by the media. I think everyone with children understands that at that age, they can have a meltdown any time, but mostly just when you don't want them to! Re our son's argument over travel-- It was the airlines fault really, but our son is claiming against the travel company who booked it.
  • Lindybird: Always when you don't want them too. Hope son gets some refund or other consideration from the company...
  • LINDY: I have thoroughly enjoyed the installments of your cruise/trip so far with all the photos. I especially love the waterfalls and the powerful mountains. I liked the person in red shrieking!!! LOL For me, that journey would be more enjoyable that a tropical holiday. The views are so spectacular and mesmerizing. I look forward to future installments. 

  • Lynette: I so hope they can determine the cause of your physical difficulties. Sending you strength and healing. 

  • Rusty: I hope your birdwatching holiday is wonderful!! Have a great time and tell us all about it when you return! 

  • Heather: I'm so sorry that you have fallen. I hope you heal quickly. Sending you strength! I completely agree with you about getting older being no fun. I still think of myself as strong and stalwart, but I was reminded when I was at my niece's graduation that I'm no longer young and agile! She graduated from a very large high school (the same school that I attended decades ago). The ceremony took place in the school's stadium where they hold basketball games, concerts, etc.

    There were thousands and thousands of people in attendance. We had to climb well up into the bleachers to get seats, and there were no hand rails anywhere. It was extremely crowded, dark, and very hot with little ventilation. I felt quite off balance and out of breath ascending the stairs, and I must have looked it because my nephew grabbed my arm to steady me and didn't let go as we climbed. I noticed that several younger people stepped back to let me pass ahead of them. Dang, I didn't know I looked that old and decrepit!!! My nephew and I were both claustrophobic and anxiety-ridden sitting for over two hours in the dense, extremely noisy crowd. I couldn't wait to get out of there.