WEEKLY CHAT (Non-Osprey) SUNDAY, MAY 28 2022

Couldn't even get on the site earlier!  So slow.

Anyway, have a good week all!

  • I checked the position of the Borealis and it is indeed docked at Liverpool :-)
  • Indeed, we docked in Liverpool at 6.00am today just as my OH made us a mug of tea! We had breakfast & cleared our room, and were on a bus by 8.05am to take us back to where we had left the car - all very organised. L'pool as you can see, was very grey and dreary, and especially after all the sights we had been enjoying all week. Our weather has been great - we couldn't believe our luck and had packed for cold & wet just in case.  

    We've had a superb time and seen such stunning scenery it's hard to describe. Many many photos taken and many memories made. So lots of pics and descriptions to come, in the next few days. But......  it's not all been plain sailing. A Force 8 gale didn't help!

    Will write lots more, as I said.  Hope that everyone on this thread is well and all OK.

  • Glad you had such a good time LINDY. Shame about the force 8 gale!!!! Looking forward to the photos.
  • Thank you everyone. I did miss posting on here, but it was impossible without WiFi and we even had problems sending texts to our relatives.

    Here are some flowers in our garden which greeted us on our return this morning:

    Last of the Patty's Plum poppy which kindly waited for our return.

  • There are still clematis flowers out.

    This one even had a vibrant caterpillar to greet me!

  • Lindy - Welcome home! Looking forward to hearing all about your cruise. At least you knew you were on a ship during a Force 8 gale!!

    Pretty flowers - and even prettier caterpillar!

    Watched the Jubilee Service of Thanksgiving this morning. Shame The Queen wasn't there, but it was a lovely service. I do hope Boris was listening carefully to what The Archbishop of York said ... but it probably went straight over his head. Or bounced off his Teflon covering ...
  • Welcome home, LINDA. Glad you had a good trip, despite the force8 gale!

    Been good weather here this week - just off the edge of some nearby showery bits and pieces. Gardening lady has done really well in the front - a few bis for OH to finish off, and hopefully he can scarify the grass this weekend and then the front will be "done" until weeds return! He has my woodland corner scheduled for her next week.

    J worked at Lockerbie nursery on Tuesday and survived(!) so is there again next Monday for 4 hours. Unfortunately, he has been getting double vision (rather worrying, but nothing new on his recent MRI scan) when driving, so next week E-E will chauffeur him (not a good bus service to Lockerbie and he can't see optician until after end of term).

    I haven't done much in the last few days, but am feeling more normal.
  • Lindy- Welcome home! Looking forward to the pics!