Weekly Chat, Sunday December 12, 2010

Will catch up later, but see the last page of yesterday's chat for updates from folks - including the last one from Diane!

  • BrendaH  so sorry you didn't get to see The Nutcracker but pleased you enjoyed time with your daughter.


    Lindybird thanks for the Monday smile.


    Thanks Alan for the Phoebe news, looking forward to some eggs soon.


    Looking forward to the programme about the bears which starts on 5 January.  Hopefully the den cams will be running soon although I believe they have had a lot of snow in Ely.


    Watched the programme about the Pandas last evening and thought that they do wonderful work but what  shame it had to come to this as it is quite obvious they like to be private when mating. 


    Morning to all  I have not mentioned by name.  So pleased that you liked the card.  Weather here started off very frosty and quite frosty.  Frost has now gone and I think that yellow thing is trying to come out.  Had a bit of a funny weekend with OH being unwell but fortunately it was just something he eat after I had said I wouldn't dream of eating something that smelt so awful.  I like all kinds of cheese but the smell of that was just awful.  Went out to dinner with a couple of friends yesterday at our local Conservative Club where they do really nice meals at a very low cost.  Started practising for Christmas Day by have turkey and all the trimmings and finsihing off with mandarin cheesecake.  Needless to say that was all I eat yesterday as I was really full.  Had  couple of whisky macs again which went down very well and warmed me up.


    Supposed to off to London next weekend to take OH's Mum her Christmas presents and also for his brother where Mum will be spending Christmas Day.  OH says if it is as cold as they are promising he will go on his own as he knows how much of a struggle it is for me when it is so cold.  The weather forecast looks pretty awful and it may be that even he will not be able to get up there.    Going to see Joe Longthorne on Thursday evening and I will be going out dressed like a Michelin man.  The theatre is at the end of Bournemouth pier so it is going to feel pretty chilly walking along to the theatre. 


    Billy Whizz actually seems as though he is beginning to accept us a little more.  If we spot him when we look out of the kitchen window he doesn't dash off now, has a look and then carries on eating.  He has discovered the grated cheese that I put out for the birds now and is brave enough to go across the garden to the bird patio to have a feed.  Seems to getting used the fact that we call out Billy now and will stop and have a look at us. 


    Got myself together a bit quicker this morning and put the marzipan on the Christmas cake.  Will probably ice it with OH's help at the beginning of next week.  Can't believe how close Christmas actually is now.  Going to wrap up OH's presents this afternoon and try and do a couple a day from now on.


    Take care all and Annette hope things will calm down you for you, seems you are having rather a frustrating time at the moment.


  • Meant to say that I am really pleased about the results of "Strictly".  I was hoping that Matt would get through, he is such a nice young man.  I think Kara will win although Pamela could, she is just amazing.  I let out three cheers when Gavin was booted out.  I can't  stand him, have never known someone so vain as he is and he couldn't dance either.


  • AUNTIE  ditto, we have just got back from coffee at Tiso and saw exactly the same, a bright sun and on either side more sunny patches with the vertical rainbows. breathtaking.Sometimes we think how lucky we are to appreciate these things. Knew someone who had glorious views but was moving house and when I mentioned what a sad loss those views would be he replied. "not at all, you do not notice them after a while". I remember moving from Shetland and being so sorry not to have those glorious views any more. 

  • MARGO  sorry to hear OH wasn't well. Must admit I too like smelly cheese but there is a barrier I wouldn't cross! Also have to say that I loved your words in the Christmas Card. They really read from the heart.

    AUNTIE  not Dillon in Christmas avatar, but another Goldie, almost as handsome as he is!

  • MARGO  yes, just the result I wanted from Strictly. Would like Matt to win but also think it will be Kara and well deserved  too. she has managed to turn what looks like a relatively simple dance into something quite magical.

    After a few days of plus 5 and 6 temps have sunk to the zero mark again, a beautiful and frosty morning.

  • Afternoon all - bit grey and gloomy here ... a bit like my mood. My budgie is poorly and I have to take him to the vet first thing tomorrow ... he is very old, so I have an awful feeling that it might be the end for him ... can't bear to think about it :-((

    margobird - thank you for the beautiful card .... and such lovely words!

    Diane - so glad to see you posting. Take your time making your decisions, and look after yourself ... big hugs!

    Thanks to everyone for chat, pics etc

    Joan - avid bird and nature watcher in Northumberland!

    Index Thread


  • Good afternoon DjoanS and so sorry to read that your budgie is unwell.  I used to have a budgie and what a dear little chap he was, they make such good company.  Really hope something can be done for him.  Will be thinking of you tomorrow.


  • Good afternoon dibnlib sorry your have gone back to zero temperature again.  Very frosty here first thing but also quite foggy.  Sun has managed to struggle through now  but have just watched the weather forecast and I feel cold already, it is going to turn a lot colder by the end of the week with the risk of snow and ice again. 


    I felt quite emotional watching Kara on Saturday, she dances beautifully.  Matt was also quite emotional after his bad dance (although I didn't think it was that bad), was so pleased when he came back with a good tango.


  • Thanks dibnlib for your kind words re the wording in my card.  It was just something I wanted to do because everyone on this forum are such good friends now thanks to our love of ospreys.


  • Afternoon All thanks for the card margobird it was lovely