Weekly Chat (Non-Osprey), 20 March 2022


The equinox is Sunday, March 20.

I wish all of you and your families health, strength, and a joyful spring (autumn for AQ). Stay safe, friends. 

Photo: Marsh Marigold Wildflowers
Shenandoah National Park, US National Park Service
Photo labeled "Public Domain" (copyright free)

  • Morning all: Am off to have cataract surgery today (one eye today; the other in a week). Hope AQ doesn't mind that I'll piggyback on her cheery card wishing everyone well....
  • Annette: I hope the surgery went well and you're recovering just fine! Take care of yourself and don't try to do too much.

  • Diane: Thank you. Am home and have my 'old' eye which I'm using to type and peer at TV and new one, which is foggy and requires multiple bottles of eye drops. Won't be doing supported shoulderstand or downward dog poses for a while. :-)
  • HEATHER – Fingers & toes crossed nothing prevents the Danes visit. Don’t fuss too much – I’m sure they want to see you, not the decor!

    ANNETTE – Yeay, for new eyesight.

    Our covid cases continue to rise. Talk of closing school term a week early as so many teachers either sick or in quarantine. No relief teachers available. It is Week 8 but Trio have only been at school for 4 of them. They are not learning much. Twins have not had reading tested since September! Hence cannot progress to next level of readers. They are bored.

    A beautiful cool autumn day. Weak sun shining, gentle breeze. Bliss.

  • It is 2 years since I started cheering YOU (& Me) by posting daily quotes, either jokey or uplifting. Enough. I shall continue intermittently.
    Herewith some thoughts for the future. . .

    It is easy to see the beginning of things, but harder to see the ends. (Joan Didion)

    When all else is lost, the future still remains. (Christian Nestell Bovee)

    If you spend your whole life waiting for the storm, you’ll never enjoy the sunshine. (Morris West)

    Do not dwell in the past, do not dream of the future, concentrate the mind on the present moment. (Buddha)

  • AQ - you are so right. These days, reading a good book appeals much more than housework !
    ANNETTE - here's to a speedy recovery and yes, no strange yoga positions :-)
  • Good Morning. Dry here again. We've had a reasonable night and keep comparing notes on our progress - my OH has had a worse cough than I but I can tell that thankfully, we both seem to be over the worst already.

    Annette, hope all went well and that you soon feel the benefit of your eye op. At least you have an excuse not to exert yourself for a while, LOL!! Hope your OH can help you with all the eye drops needed.

    Heather, don't wear yourself out trying to get everything perfect for your guests. Enjoy their visit.

    Diane, I was shocked to see how bad the tornadoes have been and are going to be in the South. I'm sure we only used to hear of them in summer, before. I hope there are few casualties.

    AQ - Thank you for your cheering and thoughtful quotes every day - I've looked forward to them. But you shouldn't feel that you have to keep it up forever. Just pop one on when you hear one. Glad you're finally getting some relief from the oppressive heat there. There is much discussion about the children here, as all of all ages, have been greatly affected by the disruption to their education and routines. It going to be an ongoing problem for the future of both themselves and society.

  • We put some free bulbs we received into two pots last autumn, and now they're two pots of cheering colour :-)