Weekly Chat (Non-Osprey), 20 March 2022


The equinox is Sunday, March 20.

I wish all of you and your families health, strength, and a joyful spring (autumn for AQ). Stay safe, friends. 

Photo: Marsh Marigold Wildflowers
Shenandoah National Park, US National Park Service
Photo labeled "Public Domain" (copyright free)

  • Ever since I saw magnolias in Victoria, I've wanted one in our garden. Alas it is too darn hot & too close to seaside salt winds for them.
  • LINDY - It is good to read, that you are both feeling better !
    OG - is it today that you are going to the garden centre for shopping and lunch ?
    Our Danes will be on their way soon. Driving down to Germany, a night in Hamburg and then on to the Netherlands. Ferry tomorrow evening, from Amsterdam to Newcastle and then drive up to Inverness.
  • Quite a journey, Heather. They must enjoy the travel as well as the destination!

    Yes, we're both a bit better and definitely over the worst. Last night I found that my taste buds are not the same, so hope that's temporary. I also felt very queasy this morning, a bit like morning sickness!!! Too late in the day for that one, now!
  • Another pic of the small magnolia, this morning. At its best just now. (Sorry, AQ!)

  • AQ - I love your quotes too. Some make you really think whilst others make me smile. Will look forward to them whenever they come.
  • Yesterday was our day out to the garden centre. Seemed to be starting as a disaster when we found out of order notice on disabled loo door, but we were guided to an extra one tucked away in a corner near the staff facilities – why couldn’t they add that to the note on the door? My lunch (Chicken Caesar Salad) was horrible, but OH was happy with his Ploughman’s – must remember to order a simple sandwich next time. Did well finding the plants etc on shopping list. I would call it a good day out – but tiring and painful for me (but may as well have pain out as at home!). Sorted all the wee plants into the greenhouse this morning and made ongoing plans.

    ANNETTE – glad the cataract op went well – I told you it was easy! Be good with the eyedrops – they are important.

    AQ – sick teachers a problem here too – and they can’t afford to call in relief because they would be paying both! Sad that the children are being held back. You have kept us wonderfully entertained – and educated – with all your “thoughts – thank you so much for keeping it up so long!

    LINDA – pleased to see you are both improving – do take care. I hope your sense of taste recovers – may take a few extra weeks, apparently. Been enjoying your garden photos.

    HEATHER – I hope all goes well with the Danes – a complicated route for their journey – but I seem to remember they have friends around much of N-W Europe.
  • Annette - I had both cataracts done and the improvement was amazing - the colours come to life as you don't notice the gradual fading.

    OG - sorry the garden centre trip was not as enjoyable as expected.

    Lindy - that magnolia looks like one I was gifted by a friend - I had no idea how expensive they were until my Sister mentioned it - so will make a point of thanking her more than I did at the time. Do you know what yours is named? Glad you and hubby are getting better.

    AQ Thanks for all the quotes and post whenever you feel like it.

    Heather Do enjoy the visit from the Danes and don't worry about the house. I am sure it will be pristine.

    Diane I hope your weather has settled and you can enjoy your widelife haven.

    To all that I have missed have a good weekend and stay safe and healthy as can be.

    I am continuing with the salt water rinses for my lip but it is still oozing nasty stuff and I am fed up with mushy food! I am pining for a sandwich Slight smile

    However after reading the news of the awful things happening in Ukraine - where hundreds of people are starving and dying of thirst I should not complain.

    I say a prayer for them all every morning and night. (Sorry if that offends anyone - but I am a Christian and believe in the power of prayer) I have many friends that say if there was a God he would not let these terrible things happen. Hope this is not too controversial.

    Well its Friday tomorrow and all I have planned is some local shopping - Hurrah - no long driving trips.

    Have a good weekend all

  • Harelady - I totally go along with your words about cataract surgery. I had both of mine done, a week apart, a few years ago and now don't wear glasses, which is a bonus after having worn them for most of my life. And as you say, colours are so clear now, and I can see details a long way away, particularly useful when driving!

    AQ - I too am grateful for all your 'thoughts' over the past couple of years. I have copied many of them and when there is a space in the weekly Church newsletter one or two fit in nicely. I can't use all of them, even if they make me laugh - I'm sure you know the ones I mean!.

    Lovely outing to Hever today. Some of you may have seen the amazing daffodils on the national news last week - they are even better in person! I went last Tuesday as well, and am amazed at the progress in just a week. Spring is wonderful - flowers, blossom, trees bursting into leaf, birds building nests ... at one point we spotted four male mallards giving a single female a very difficult time. Nature isn't always 'nice'! We walked a very long way, and had a picnic lunch at the far end of the lake in the really warm sunshine. Difficult to believe it's still only March - although we are warned winter is due back next week ... brrrrrr!
  • Hallo all:   Thanks all for kind remarks. Eye drop regime is going well.  

    PatO;  Just spent an unconscionable amount of time browsing the Hever Caste website (along with the B&B part! : -). I would be there every week if I lived nearby.  Lucky you.  

    AQ:  So the schools aren't doing online classes either then?  That's too bad.  Must be so very frustrating for all the parents.  I also love your sayings, but, like Lindybird, wouldn't want to think of you slaving over a hot computer searching for them.  I like today's one about beginnings and endings since even bad beginnings can have wonderful endings.   When I was young I had a book of Chinese sayings.  One stuck with me; something to the effect of:  "That the birds of worry and care fly above your head, this you cannot change; but that they build nests in your hair, this you can prevent."   Oh, and hope your Autumn days are here for the season.

    OG:  Sorry to say I had to smile at your preference for the pain while out and about as opposed to inside, but we like your attitude! Too bad about the salad though.  

    Lindybird:  No problem doing my own eye drops.  Saw the doc first thing today for  'day after' check up and had him take the very strong lens out of my frames because even at this very fuzzy stage, I can 'see' better out of my 'new' eye without them, but still need the other lens for reading, which is a chore right now - don't know what to do with myself!  Do you have to keep that magnolia inside during the winter?   I also hope your sense of taste gets back to normal soon.  Oddly enough my daughter didn't lose hers at all during her bad case of Covid.  

    Heather:  Are the Danes stopping in other places en route to you or home?  That's a long trip for a three-day visit.   I assume they prefer driving to flying.  

    Harelady   I'm a lapsed Catholic (although I somehow manage to take Ms. D to Mass whenever I'm in Arizona on a Sunday, but can't join in as I grew up with the Latin Mass, which I much prefer) and have multiple conflicting thoughts about God and Ukraine, not to mention all the other appalling events throughout the world's history..  I remember when the female minister at a church in Aberfan was interviewed after that awful disaster and the TV person asked what she would say to someone who wondered why God would let something like that happen.  She replied "God wasn't here in the doing, but he's here in the grieving."   (And some might ask: "Where was He?")    Maybe we'll all find out one day.  Or not.

    Well that's quite enough arm-chair philosophizing from me for one day.   :-)    Take care all.