Many thanks to AG  who wrote this preface to the Llyn Brenig thread for us (below)

Llyn Brenig is a reservoir on the border between Denbighshire and County Conwy in North Wales. It is managed by Welsh Water;  the osprey project is a partnership between them and North Wales Wildlife Trust.

One pair of ospreys raised a single chick here each year from 2018-2020. Neither of this pair returned in 2021, when the nest was taken over by 2 Scottish birds, LJ2 (male) and LM6 (female), both 2018 chicks. The nest was vandalised the night after LM6 had laid her first egg; while the two could not continue to breed they did stay close to the site until normal migration time.

A new nest has been erected in 2022 with additional security and a streaming camera is in place. A new hide has also been built.

Links to

North Wales Wildlife Trust Page https://www.northwaleswildlifetrust.org.uk/days-out/ospreys-llyn-brenig

Welsh Water Page https://llynbrenig.com/llyn-brenig-osprey/

Osprey Project Facebook Page https://www.facebook.com/brenigospreyproject

Friends of Llyn Brenig Facebook Group https://www.facebook.com/groups/FriendsofLlynBrenigBlue24

Llyn Brenig YouTube Channel for Live Stream https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC8_OrcBilBcFmDQVGgrk2ng

  • First fish of today arrives at 06.07. Looks like a pike again and very much alive.

     For a moment. I thought LJ2 was going to feed the chicks again as he held onto the fish and started pecking at it then walking it around the nest with LM6 following, trying to get a hold of it.

    LM6 was then able to start the feed from this side of the nest and it was chick #2 who was there first to enjoy the initial part of the feed.

    When chick #1 eventually came forward, it tried to grab a piece of fish for itself.

    Both chicks got into better positions and chick #2 got a really good feed and then chick #1 got plenty as well.

    LM6 left the tail end and settled down on chick #2 with chick #1 joining it’s sibling under the duvet a few minutes later.

  • Once the family is settled down, LJ2 returns at 06.35 to gather the tail end of the fish which he eats on the nest.

  • LJ2 was at the nest a few times, delivering sticks, intruder mantling. At around 11.37 he brought a fish. Silver in colour, I don’t know which type.

    LM6 took the fish

    Both chicks fed well and the fish was fully eaten.

  • 14.03 LM6 sitting all pretty on the nest looking like she has a big petticoat on underneath!

    14.04 she sees LJ2 and starts fish calling. The camera freezes and he is suddenly on the nest standing next to her with a fish.

    She tries to take it but again, he walks the fish around the nest first. I think it looks like a young pike.

    The chicks are quickly up and calling to be fed.

    They both eat well

    and LM6 downs the tail.

  • Fish #4 arrives just before17.30. Another smallish one but at least they’re coming regularly.

    #2 chick takes what it needs and stops opening its beak when LM6 offers. #1 chick eats and eats and eats!

    You can see their big difference in size and #1’s crop is huge! #2 still has a full crop but smaller.

    LM6 with the last bite to finish the fish. The feed lasted just under 15 minutes.

  • 18.05 and here comes Super Daddy again with another teatime treat. Fish #5

     chick #2 was over straight away to begin the feed.

    chick #1 waddled over to behind #2 but then waddled back for a rest!

    Chick #2 got a great feed then chick #1 decided to join and got a good feed too. I don’t know where #1 puts it!

    Towards the end of the feed LJ2 arrived and tried to take the tail end away. LM6 thought otherwise and continued feeding the chicks and herself.

    The feed was finished in just over 15 minutes. LJ2 has only had one tail end today unless he’s having fish off the nest.

  • 20.30 Just look at the crops on these two! #1 has fallen over a few times onto its front - no wonder with the weight it’s carrying! Lol 

  • Oh my goodness, look at what LJ2 has just rocked up with around 21.00. He’s saved the best ‘till last - fish #6.

    What a good day this family has had. For their first year with chicks, these 2 young ospreys are doing so well, becoming such a good team. 

  • The chicks got about a 20 min feed, thereafter falling into a heap together.

    Once they were all settled down, LJ2 came for his just reward and took away the remainder of the fish. A lovely brown trout I think. 

  • Good morning. The chicks were on lookout duties for breakfast this morning, peering out from behind LM6.

    They saw LJ2 first, arriving at 06.52 with a nice brown trout.

    LM6 quickly got up and turned around to collect the fish.

    Chick #2 was at the forefront of the feed and remained there the whole time feeding. Chick #1 was less hungry, ate what it wanted then retired back to bed.

     With half of the fish eaten, LM6 stopped and went over to brood chick #1, closely followed by #2.