I think this will be an interesting season at Loch Arkaig - who is going to take residence is the big question? 

For me it doesn't matter who, just as long as the nest is occupied. 



  • Zoomed in video of the Osprey. Was already perched on Pole Tree at 08.45 when my clip starts, flies left towards the solar panels, then seen clearly at 08.45.34 flying back to the right and perching on Stick Tree. A little fuzzy but best I can do right now.

    Edit: Looks like an Osprey from this fuzzy distance, but Ospreys don't usually fly to the ground as this one did, they prefer to perch up high when not flying. Buzzard?

  • scylla said:

    Thanks for the update, GEEMEFF - once they get started I'll (hopefully) just continue as backup to you but I'll only post videos here in exceptional circs - like you've had a meltdown

    For one thing, I certainly won't have time to join in George's Chat, unfortunately.

    Scylla, I've no idea how you keep up with all your cams - you are a wonder woman ‍♂️

  • Geemeff said:

    Zoomed in video of the Osprey. Was already perched on Pole Tree at 08.45 when my clip starts, flies left towards the solar panels, then seen clearly at 08.45.34 flying back to the right and perching on Stick Tree. A little fuzzy but best I can do right now.

    Edit: Looks like an Osprey from this fuzzy distance, but Ospreys don't usually fly to the ground as this one did, they prefer to perch up high when not flying. Buzzard?


    Hmmmmm. Very light underwings, but I have seen buzzards the same. Looked more like a Buzzard than an Osprey to me when it went back to its perch. An open mind here.

    Some people think Ospreys are a matter of life and death. I don't like that attitude. I can assure them it is much more serious than that. 

  • Geemeff, well spotted! I doubt it was an osprey for the reasons you say. Much more likely to be a buzzard. Are there hen harriers in the area?  If it were a resident osprey, it surely would have come to the nest?

    Birdie's DU Summaries 2018   https://www.imagicat.com/

  • Another sighting of the mystery bird - must be an buzzard, or similar

    10:38 AMSue W10.28.31 lands on the ground just to the left of the Pole tree
    10:41 AMpinkyperky1959@Sue W & takes off again & flies to trees on the brow of the hill over to the right. I don't think an osprey would have any cause to go to the ground
    I can't find it!!  Then a swam of insects appeared which didn't help.

    Birdie's DU Summaries 2018   https://www.imagicat.com/

  • I watched GEEMEFF's video on full screen - nothing to add to what's been said - in fact, if it were up to me you'd have no suggestions at all Grin

    Great spot!

    I don't haave zoom on any of my software, I have to crop, which is not nearly as effective.  What editor do you use, GEEMEFF?  I have to use a minimum of 2 - one to cut clips and the other to join them up with transitions - then there are various subsidiaries that hardly ever get used, apart from the auio one.

  • What editor do you use, GEEMEFF?

    Scylla, I use screencastify, the paid version not the free version (FV only has trim not editor) Not ideal as can't get res higher than 720 whatever res you're recording, but very easy to use. Has zoom, crop, text boxes, and join clips together too.


  • This is my best effort  in 1080 res to capture this morning's not-an-Osprey:

  • I bet this little guy-ess is up to no good!