Can I be so bold as to start this new thread for the most iconic Osprey nest in the world?

Hopefully if the season progresses the way all of us would like it can be changed to a monthly, weekly then daily threads!

Question: are we having a sweepstake for the first confirmed sighting of a bird on the nest this year? If so I will get my prediction in now - 21st March 7.53 am Osprey without a fish.

We can only hope that we shall be able to witness it ourselves via a camera rather than having to read a report.

Some people think Ospreys are a matter of life and death. I don't like that attitude. I can assure them it is much more serious than that. 

  • Lynn L said:

    Firstly OMG CRinger, what a prize, where did you get those mugs, how fabulous they are and she looks just lovely, oh the memories.

    Secondly for all you Opsreyholics on here, there will be no cheating and changing dates or anything other, now that you have seen the fabulous mugs, as I have it all charted and will post the details on the date someone touches down!

    Thirdly, the 23rd March will be the arrival date, my guess, as I WANT THAT MUG with the beautiful EJ on it!!

    Thank you all so much for your reactions to the prizes. I feel really excited about this season and hoped this feeling might be a little more contagious with the introduction of prizes.

    As to the choice of the subject of the prize it was really a ‘no brainer’ with that amazing picture of EJ in the public domain.

    In answer to Gardenbirder no, I don’t have more that I am keeping, but I was extremely pleased when I saw yesterday the quality of the mugs that have been produced and have made enquiries and have been assured that it is no problem to produce a repeat order. They were reasonably priced for bespoke items and, assuming I don’t win, I have decided now I have them I want to keep them, so I will be placing another order – probably replacing the word ‘the’ with ‘every’ so the first 2 that will be despatched to the prize winner really will be unique. The more you order the lower the cost becomes per unit so if anyone else is interested send me a PM - say within a week of the winner being announced - and we will re-order en masse!

    Finally, Catlady – hear, hear! No cheating! Thanks for keeping all the data safe! BUT……… just because you are doing this job doesn’t mean you can have a whole day for your guess!!! We need a time please! That really is taking a liberty. Joy

    Some people think Ospreys are a matter of life and death. I don't like that attitude. I can assure them it is much more serious than that. 

  • Unknown said:

    OMG -  How can I cheat !!!I don't  stand a chance  I don't thinks. Oh well. Super prize  for someone. many thanks  so much CRinger

    Oh golly, TIME !   ???   (sorry)   er   16.30 hours OH well I can always order the mug vis CRiger  - thanks CRinger

  • Unknown said:

    Cirrus said:

    OMG -  How can I cheat !!!I don't  stand a chance  I don't thinks. Oh well. Super prize  for someone. many thanks  so much CRinger

    Oh golly, TIME !   ???   (sorry)   er   16.30 hours OH well I can always order the mug vis CRiger  - thanks CRinger

    I am laughing so much! My comment about a time for the guess was addressed at Catlady, but Cirrus had a guilty conscience and omitted a time in his guess also!!!  Any more culprits out there who wish to confess? Joy

    Some people think Ospreys are a matter of life and death. I don't like that attitude. I can assure them it is much more serious than that. 

  • Catlady suggested 3.30pm, me 2.40pm and Cirrus 4.30pm, all on Wednesday 23rd. Just to show I'm keeping up with my competitors
  • Unknown said:
    Catlady suggested 3.30pm, me 2.40pm and Cirrus 4.30pm, all on Wednesday 23rd. Just to show I'm keeping up with my competitors

    Oh my! Catlady has been besmirched by me! I missed the guess with the time! So sorry. I will wear sack cloth and ashes for the rest of the day. (Hehe - now I don't have to change my usual attire).

    Some people think Ospreys are a matter of life and death. I don't like that attitude. I can assure them it is much more serious than that. 

  • LOL Catlady! But... now, now ladies, we must not fight amongst ourselves. It's not seemly!! The photo of EJ is just wonderful. I guess most of us have snips or captures of her over the years, which are not, I suspect, big enough in whatever it is they have to be big in to make them ultra clear, to be used on mugs. That makes the mug extra special. and whoever 'wins' it will be very lucky indeed. We must rejoice for them. LOL

    Birdie's DU Summaries 2018   https://www.imagicat.com/

  • I have just looked back at my 2021 notes, which I hope are accurate, but you never know!  The webcam was not functioning until 16 April, and Mary reported at 10.51 that a clip metal (suggesting European) ringed female landed.  She had a fish, and appeared to be defending.  When she flew off Axel landed.  It wasn't until 25 April that Mistle joined him.  So we have no idea when Axel might have arrived.  I imagine, if they are going to use LG, and I live in hope, they will be around much earlier this year.

    Birdie's DU Summaries 2018   https://www.imagicat.com/

  • Hi All, how exciting!!   

    Thanks so much CRinger, - such a lovely thing to do and what a fantastic prize!!     Also thanks Catlady for keeping track of the guesses.  

    I think they’ll keep us waiting so my guess is Wednesday, 13 April @ 14:30 with fish

  • Unknown said:
    Catlady suggested 3.30pm, me 2.40pm and Cirrus 4.30pm, all on Wednesday 23rd. Just to show I'm keeping up with my competitors

    Now Korky you have really confused me! Cirrus guess 23rd? Is that his guess posted on 10th March @ 7.32 for the 30th March? 

    Beauty is in the eye of the beholder.

  • SheilaFE said:

    I have just looked back at my 2021 notes, which I hope are accurate, but you never know!  The webcam was not functioning until 16 April, and Mary reported at 10.51 that a clip metal (suggesting European) ringed female landed.  She had a fish, and appeared to be defending.  When she flew off Axel landed.  It wasn't until 25 April that Mistle joined him.  So we have no idea when Axel might have arrived.  I imagine, if they are going to use LG, and I live in hope, they will be around much earlier this year.

    I am pinning my hopes on 2 things..... First scylla's memory expressed earlier in the thread that there was a mention of a camera being on the nest sometime 'end of Feb / beginning of March' - I would love an update from the horse's mouth - the Visotor Centre - a blog - a diary entry - something!!! Second we may have to rely on the sighting (of at least 1) volunteer if we are without a camera early in the season. If my good long time amigo LES is lurking and not posting he will undoubtedly have a schedule of when volunteers start this year at LG. Perhaps he might enlighten us!

    Some people think Ospreys are a matter of life and death. I don't like that attitude. I can assure them it is much more serious than that.