News from Other Nests 2021



I'd been posting in "Forum Friends", here's a snap brought over, for the sake of starting this thread with something!

  • Bucketing down in south Florida:

  • In reply to Scylla and Korky:  appreciate your 'snaps' girls  -thank you . Such a shame for the little ones to get soggy fluff

  • Conservation Without Borders is requesting your feedback on the Flight Of the Osprey expedition:

    ️We’d love to get your feedback on the Flight Of The Osprey expedition, the communications you received, and what you’d like in the future. The survey takes under five minutes and will allow us to continue to build on and strengthen our work. #TogetherWeFly Thank you!

  • SW Florida Bald Eagles

    29 January

    The two eaglets seem to be doing well, with no bruises on show.

    A clenched eaglet toe-fist:

  • Port Lincoln

    Well.. Zoe has left the nest!

    Sunday Morning 29 January she took off on her first long flight off the barge.. and kept flying.. and flying.. and ended aboiut 90 km north east at the west side of the lower peninsula near the coast, where there is a lot of fish.

    It was amazing as she hadn't left the barge much, sometimes for an hour, or 2, but never far from the barge.
    The parents had been supplying her with less fish every week, and only 1 fish per day for the past week. Although she has been feeding off the barge (as a local confirmed) she wasn't seen catching her own fish, or brought any fish to the nest herself (except one, that was given to her by dad)

    What an amazing experience this has been. 
    A nest with a history and a hectic start with a very strong Zoe, and of course the loss of the her 2 siblings.
    But as with every nest and every bird you get to love them.

    I will miss her and very sad at the moment.. but I'm also very proud of her!!


  • Thanks very much for the  map Bart. What a gal !

  • Feeding time in Florida

    (c) SWFEC

  • SWFL Bald Eagles

    I'm sharing a video by Androcat covering some of the adult intrusion that's been going on lately.  I've only skipped thru it.


    Cam video covers one of the intruders roosting in the nest tree overnight again. Video starts with the intruder perched in the front pines. Later, the intruder flies to the nest tree, perching on the outer branch/inner limb. M15 vocalizes at her, but does not flush her. He moves closer above the E's. At 2258, the intruder joins M15 on the attic branch, with some short vocals from both. On 2-15-23, at 0016, M15 tries to get the intruder to leave (Cam3 view, Cam1 view is included but cam is on the E's, played for audio). In the morning, 2-15-23, CamOps pans up to view M15 and the intruder. CamOps provides close-up views of the intruder. A short time later, M15 is awake and vocalizes at what he sees. The intruder joins in with vocals. Before sunrise, M15 gives some short vocals, then flushes the intruder off the attic/nest tree; Cam1/Cam3 views.

    On Hancock forum there have been remonstrations vs posters being over-dramatic (eg, calling intruder "evil stepmother"), stressing that the forum is for observations only - our own little band of observers' feet wouldn't touch, with all our fond, tongue-in-cheek, comments!


    On a more serious note - does anyone know why Harriet is missing and how long since she was seen?  I'll investigate eventually.

  • Hi Scylla, Harriet left the nest tree at 5.30pm(ish) on the 2nd Feb, possibly to chase intruders, and, unfortunately, she hasn't been seen since. Search parties are still looking for her. M15 is/has been doing a great job defending, protecting and bringing food to the nest for E21 and E22. He is amazing!