News from Other Nests 2021



I'd been posting in "Forum Friends", here's a snap brought over, for the sake of starting this thread with something!

  • 28 July

    Tweed Valley !!!

    Just remembered to check the cam - here's what I saw, in case something goes wrong with the download I've now started Smile

  • Very good Scylla, three juvies - two looking at the third on the nest scoffing a fish
  • Other Tweed Valley nest news
    "Well, it certainly had survived and three beautiful, healthy, big chicks were ringed. They were weighed and measured. The largest chick was fitted with ring number 719 and it weighed 1900 grammes and had a wing length of 385mm which was undoubtedly female given its size.

    Another chick was also female weighing 1650g but also with a wing length of 385 mm and had darvic ring 699 fitted and the smallest chick was 1550g and a wing length of 357mm indicating that it was a male bird and he was fitted with darvic numbered 698.

    On the same day the team headed off to the west of Peebles nest and they swapped over, so that Tony climbed the huge 30m pine tree to the new nest platform, supplied for these birds after storm Arwen blew their own nest down.

    Tony carefully lowered the chicks to the ground and Eve fitted the darvic rings, BTO rings and measured and weighed the birds. It was good to see that the pair at this nest FS2, the female from Loch Arkaig and her unringed partner had also raised three very healthy and robust young ospreys.

    They were fitted with darvic rings: 720, 721 and 722 and their weights were 1450g, 1450g and 1550g respectively with wing lengths of 370mm, 390mm and 340mm and were likely all males.

    Another two osprey nest sites were visited but the birds had already fledged and were not ringed but there were two young at both sites and it was good to know that they had been successful.

    The team have continued across the project area to visit all of the nest locations and carry out the rest of the ringing which we will receive information about hopefully by next week. So far though, it is proving to be a successful and fruitful osprey year in the Scottish Borders."

  • Thanks so much ALAN what an encouraging read
  • It's very good to 'see' you around Patily
  • Many thanks for the additional info from Tweed Valley, Alan. What a successful season there.
  • scylla said:

    28 July

    Tweed Valley !!!

    Just remembered to check the cam - here's what I saw, in case something goes wrong with the download I've now started


    Thank you, Scylla, for keeping tabs on the TV nest, very much appreciated Hugging

  • Alyth

    An unexpected close-up!

    Later, a chaotic and disturbing fish delivery - did the parent's foot get trapped? but if so, it didn't stay trapped, so did the parent react badly to the juvie's aggression?

  • 29 July


    One chick spent the night on the nest, the cam went down @ 04:16.

    06:49 Cam back up, 2 juvies on nest, one with fish, parent popped in 'n out, cam went down again @ 09:23, back up within  a minute or so, one juvie on/off up to now.

    I had 130 failed files to delete Confused

  • That was quite a tussle! Thanks for posting the vid, Scylla.