Weekly Chat (Non-Osprey), 19 December 2021

Season’s Greetings and Happy Holidays to everyone!

December 18-19 is the last Full Moon of 2021. The moon turns full on 19 December at 04:35 UTC. You can insert your own town or city into the search box HERE to find your exact time. 

This Full Moon is just two days before the Solstice, which occurs on 21 December at 15:59 UTC. You can insert your own town or city into the search box HERE to find your exact time. The Solstice marks the Northern Hemisphere's shortest day (first astronomical day of winter) and the Southern Hemisphere's longest day (first astronomical day of summer).

I’m gratefully celebrating the return of the light and longer days!

AQ: I’m not forgetting you. Happy Summer Solstice to you. I very much hope the temperatures will be kinder to you and your family.

A halo and a sundog over Bunsen Peak in Yellowstone National Park
NPS/Diane Renkin
Photo labeled “Public domain” (copyright free)

  • Thank you, bluesky2 - And All The Best to You & Yours, too.

    Fingers crossed for Loch Garten chicks next spring!
  • Annette -- I remember you mentioning your now 'ancient' tree in the past. Glad its still functioning!

    My OH's cousin has had a Bad Cold, then tested himself with a home kit, and he's positive. Thankfully my OH did not see him last week. He (the cousin) then went to get a proper PCR test and it was confirmed. He suspects that his wife, who works in the world of public service, caught it and was almost symptom free, but gave it to him in the meantime. We went to deliver a birthday present and had to leave it on their front step. Won't be seeing them over Christmas <sigh>
  • AQ: I'll trade places with you. LOL! 19F here tonight. That's -7C. I can't complain though, because we've had a weirdly mild winter so far, and it's going to warm up for Christmas to a strange 61F (that's 16C)!

    I hope Next Door's changes won't be too awful for you. I opened my door one day this past week to find all the neighbors' chickens on my patch. I guess they were visiting me. They always run over to me to say hello. LOL

  • DIANE – Do neighbour’s chickens leave an egg or two for you?

    Today Next-Door are having vegetation in their backyard thinned as well as continuing work on fixing fence. They must have selected fence mateurs with the cheapest quote!!!

    Food shop this morn was mildly chaotic. Bank queue was loooong. I would have deferred paying credit card until next week but I needed some cash for gift envelopes. Luckily I persevered in line as, further on, I read a sign saying bank closed next Wed to Friday. Phew! Lucky! Whatever happened to service?

    Enough food in pantry & fridge, I should have no need to go out again for a week or more. Dau#2 & Co are dropping by on Boxing Day to collect their loot. I have a box of truffle chocs for OH and, as usual, I have bought my own chocs as he never bothers with gifts.

  • If it’s too loud, you’re too old.

    I’m 70, leave me the h*** alone. (bumper sticker)

    I’m not aging, I just need repotting.

  • AQ: The chickens leave eggs everywhere. The neighbors often have more eggs than they can use, so she regularly offers me a carton (dozen).

    Good that you won't have to go out. I hope you have a nice time on Boxing Day. I love truffle chocolates.

  • Good Morning. Cold & dark here. Laying in bed & can see streaks of pink appearing on the clouds, as the sun comes up.

    Glad you got your errands & shopping all done, AQ. Hope you bought a very large box of chocs for yourself.

    Diane, I have fond memories of my grandparents keeping chickens in the back garden, fenced in with wire fencing. Love the sounds they make, and the warmth of their feathery bodies!

  • Ten minutes after I wrote the above!!

  • Lindy - Your 'pink' sky was even better than ours - I thought it was pretty good here until I saw your pictures! Our pink changed to orange and was quite amazing, but only for a very few minutes. The ground is very white with frost and the thermometer is at a very cold MINUS 2. I've just popped my head outside and the air is wonderful but very chilly. And I have just been watching a buzzard soaring into the pale blue sky. I'm a bit poetic because we have had wall to wall grey for the past week or so and it's so wonderful to see the wonders of nature against a bright sky.
  • Went to get my haircut yesterday only to find out Lorraine was ill. She had sent me a message but I didn't have my phone on. She offered me an appt on Friday but that was no good as we won't be here, She texted me later saying she was feeling a little better and would give me a cut at 6.15 yesterday. How lovely of her. Anyway walking home from my cancelled appt I met the daughter of a near neighbour who went into a care home a few months ago. Rachel told me her Mum is on end of life care and her sister isn't any help as she has a few issues. My missed haircut paled into insignificance!! The rest of the day went as planned....coffee with a friend in the afternoon then my haircut in the evening.

    Good to read all your news and see lovely pics.