Weekly Chat (Non-Osprey), 19 December 2021

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  • Lindybird - I wasn't insulted at all, it just brought back a memory from years ago when my OH was still alive. I was reading a newspaper description about an elderly lady of 63 who had a minor car accident, I told my OH that I was offended that they would call that elderly (I was 63 at the time and still working full-time). My OH laughed and asked "what age is it okay to call someone elderly? 80?"

  • bjane:  I wrote a letter to the editor of a local rag about his description of someone age 60 as 'elderly,'  (I'm quite a bit on from there and was at the time).  

    Have read all the news and yes, dibnlib, there's always someone worse off which helps keep us focused on the important things.

    CC: AZ family used to have chickens but passed them on to a neighbor; they still get eggs but without the mess and upkeep. :-) 

    Meanwhile, the good news from this part of the world is that daughter has improved to the point that she was transferred from big city hospital back to local hospital last evening - just 20 minutes from home.  Such a relief for granddaughter who's been doing the 3-hour roundtrip drive almost daily for a month.   I'll still be heading there Sunday for the week, but it will be a much less complicated undertaking.  Went to a couple of grocery stores yesterday and it's definitely getting a bit 'frantic' out there.  I'm going to spend today cooking up meals for OH for next week.....  Have already started packing for the trip (layers and still more layers) and car will be serviced tomorrow.  Xmas Day will be quiet and simple.  And must confess, I'll be sort of glad when it's all over and we're back to 'normal.'

  • BJANE – Walter A Clarke in 1909 wrote - Talking to my father one day on the matter of their accumulating years he said “old age is always ten years ahead of us”.

    PAT – You are much younger than I; I still feel in 50s (most of the time). Alas, Daus are closing in fast LOL.

    ANNETTE – Great news for your Dau. Safe journey and I’m sure your OH will manage (practice makes perfect).

  • Just a thought

    Challenge inevitable; Defeat optional

  • Annette: Best news of the day, that your daughter is now improving enough to be moved, and so much nearer home. I hope all works out with your travel plans just after Christmas Day.

    Bjane, I see I've started a debate on ageing. It is all relative - personally, I hate it when they refer to people's ages in various ways in newspaper reports.

    It's cold here just now, but it's going to become milder today & tomorrow, then it will be chilly over the festive weekend.
  • It's Bonnie's 7th birthday, today- here she is yesterday, playing with her towel which we use to wipe her feet when she comes in from the garden.

    (Talking about age, I took this towel from my own mother's stock of various ancient towels. I realised that it was one which I remembered using when I still lived at home  which makes it pre 1971!!!!)

  • Morning all
    Well, between you, you've cured me of my miserable thoughts - ie, ' too old for all this' etc
    Thank you !
    It's not often that I start the day off with a smiling face -
    Eldest daughter is collecting me for our final food shop, she'll be here about 9.30 am. My cousin in Devon did hers at silly o'clock and was back home by 6.30 am today.
    It's still quite cold here but nothing too awful. Our Danish friends decided to fly out to Tenerife and sent me a photo of palm trees and blue skies. I'm ever so slightly jealous.
  • Good morning, all. I'm sitting here with the happy knowledge that in 6 months' time we'll be back on Mull. Only 180 days to go (and counting!).

    Our herring gulls are red listed birds.  Think about that the next time you hear some flaming idiot calling for a cull of them.

  • Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year

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