I hope everyone has a joyful, safe, and healthy week!
CLARE - Have been mulling over our conversation about autism. It is quite amazing how many folk have been placed on the spectrum. I've been listening to radio 4 book of the week, ' Wintering'. The author was diagnosed as an adult. I imagine that knowing why one has certain ways of thinking and behaving must bring comfort. My grandson is so happy, he often sends me pics and info about WW2. I sent him money for Christmas and he sent me a pic of a people carrier model that he purchased ! With a lot of info about what ' we' used them for !
CLARE; What is odd?? When I was old enough to read and understand it, my father gave me a small book of short stories by the famous author O. Henry. I adored it and swore to write some, myself (still not completed any of them!) One of my favourites was about a journalist, who was told to go out and find a typical Man in the Street and interview him. He searched everywhere, but struggled - each person he found was unique, not typical at all. He talked to people in the street, and in bars, and in barbers, and everywhere he could. Everyone was too special. Then, just as he was crossing the road, he got knocked down by a truck! The newspaper report on his accident that day read "He was a typical Man in the Street....."
Clare Bailey said:I'm very odd. I must be number 111,111!
But Clare, 111,111 is divisible by 3! You are unique, and that makes you number 1. Plus, there are distinct advantages to being odd, as I am sure you already know! (From another odd osprey.) And I have no idea if any of that made any sense to you...
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Lindybird said:What is odd??
Our herring gulls are red listed birds. Think about that the next time you hear some flaming idiot calling for a cull of them.
You are a breath of fresh air, Clare, and you make me smile. Odd or not, you may use any label you like, but I hope you carry on as you are. And I have known some people in my life who I would list as far more 'odd' than you are...
Kind regards, Ann
Clare Bailey said:
Lindybird said: What is odd??
Did you see my story after that remark, Clare. None of us are 'ordinary'
We're all 'special ' - - just like you!!