Weekly Chat (Non-Osprey), 3 October 2021


The moon turns new on 6 October, next Wednesday.

I hope everyone has a good autumn week. The trees are just beginning to turn a bit yellow here. No strong colors yet.

  • Just a thought

    If you cannot do great things, do small things in a great way. (Napoleon Hill)

  • AQ: I was very impressed with Miss10's deep interest in mineralogy. She does sound like a budding scientist. I hope her curiosity and zeal continue. It's good to hear about children being encouraged to read. I fear that we no longer have that in the U.S.
  • DIANE – It would be torture for me to be without a pile of books to read. I read to & encouraged my 2 girls. Now Dau#2 seriously encourages her girls to read and all three are “bookworms”. Fiction, non-fiction – they just want to know about everything. My theory is that once you can read, you can teach yourself anything.

    EDIT – The Trio get physical activities as well, besides whatever they do at school, they have weekly swimming, karate & gymnastics. I’m tired thinking of it. . .

  • Good Morning. Sunshine today, whoopie!!

    When I became a grandmother, I remembered how it was when our boys were young, and we had always given them books as gifts every birthday and Christmas, so that hopefully they would grow up using books for reference and also read for pleasure. They had a huge bookcase in their bedroom, and they took books with them when they eventually left home. Now they both still read when they have the time, and their children have groaning bookshelves, too,  as I have kept up the book giving.  :-))

  • Good morning, all. Good to see all the confirmed book lovers on here ........ I couldn't live without books, either.

    The photo processing is going nicely and I'm now down to the photos we took in our last 24 hours on the island. Phew!! I definitely got carried away at times. I'll be posting them in the next couple of days.

    Our herring gulls are red listed birds.  Think about that the next time you hear some flaming idiot calling for a cull of them.

  • " Phew!! I definitely got carried away at times."
    How unusual!! LOL
  • Clare Bailey said:
    Good morning, all. Good to see all the confirmed book lovers on here ........ I couldn't live without books, either.

    Absolutely, and love how our youngsters,youngsters, have the bug as well...

    Daughter and I share reads, which is lovely when we chat, discussing, and if one of us ahead, never let on but giggle knowing possibly , of enjoyment ,the next twist and turn..

    at the moment we reading , the newly released, follow on ,of  the Thursday Murder club.........Richard Osman 'The man who died twice'


  • I very much enjoyed your humorous description of the Trio's exploits with you. The love between you and the kids is obvious, as is their love of nature and books. Gives me much hope for the next generation. I do not think I even knew the words Homogenization or Pasteurization when I was 7.

    aquilareen said:
    very busy little people required me to

    CLARE, Welcome back! Glad you are now both home safe!

    Imagicat || Tiger's links || 2022 LG Obs

  • I believe that reading is alive and well in the U.S. I was raised with a love for books and I passed that on to my children as they have with theirs. My children grew up with a love of reading and weekly trips to the library. My grandchildren all read voraciously and their children, my great-grandchildren, were reading before they started school. My oldest grand-daughter has her own editing business and her sister teaches a college level creative writing course.. There will always be those who don't read a lot but I think the majority still do. Now that my eyesight is going I am grateful for Kindles and laptops where I can adjust the size of the fonts because I cannot imagine my life without books!

  • bjane: I hope you're right. Good to see you! I hope all is well with you and yours.