Weekly Chat (Non-Osprey), 15 August 2021


I hope everyone has a joyful, wonderful week. Be careful and stay safe, folks. 

  • Annette: Don't get me started on customer relations! I've spent what feels like half of today trying to register a guarantee for a new hoover we bought - its for use in Wales so had to make a phone call to Sue, then later several messages back & to, as they wanted a number which is printed on the machine itself even though I have the receipt for the thing, and have photographed it, sent the pic to myself in an email, then retrieved it from here (desktop). Have now filled in the form four times and it still says its not correct!!

    A phone call is due tomorrow, and I won't be very polite!

    Heather, glad your daughter is helping you to clean. I don't think people realise just how tiring it is to host visitors when you are not 45 any more! Yes, I'm not myself. Several things ail me and I feel about 150 years old. Plus, two days ago I chipped a bit off a front tooth (again!) and now have to get off to the dentist as although its not painful, its very sharp and makes me give a lopsided smile. I said to my OH that I'm just falling apart, slowly.....

    I have an appointment, on the phone, with a doctor I don't know who has never seen me in his life, and its taken three weeks of feeling bad to get the appointment - which is ten days from now. I feel neglected and abandoned by the NHS and I never thought I'd say that.

  • Heather:  Yes, lumbar radiculitis is the posh name, I was being silly when I substituted the 'i' for the 'a'.  

    LIndybird:  Oh dear, Heather has good intutitions, but what a bore that you have to wait another 10 days, especially when you didn't feel good before that.  Maybe keep calling for cancellations?  I was thinking that, in the old days, we used to just show up at the doc's 'surgery' as we called it then and sit in crowded waiting rooms with other sniffly ailing patients - obviously not desirable these days..  I also tend to wait weeks before I decide to go see anyone because I figure whatever it is will go away by itself, but that doesn't always happen.  Hugs to you.   And good luck with that phone call tomorrow...   And the dentist.  

  • Good Morning. Grey here again but my OH says that it's not too cold outside. He's been up since silly o'clock as he woke early but thought he might as well get up.

    Thanks for your words, Annette, I'm sorry to have had a whinge.

    Hoping to persuade my OH to go out to lunch today to cheer ourselves up, If we have anything substantial we can just have a light meal tonight which suits me fine.
  • Winge alert. I went to bed at 1 am (well before cycling finished). Fuzzy, I was eating breakfast about 7.30 am when OH announced various plans (involving me) for his junk room that he has been clearing of stuff. He was full of plans as he had been up thinking since 3 am. Sorry I am busy this morn with food shopping, then putting it away, then it’s lunch to get, and on and on. Just leave me be, I have enough to do!!!

  • Older people shouldn’t eat health food, they need all the preservatives they can get. (Robert Orben)

    I get most of my exercise these days from shaking my head in disbelief.

    Inside every old person is a young person wondering what happened.

  • Doh! AQ,  I record cycling so catch up whenever I manage to grab a tea break.

    I always  empathise with you and Hubby,mine is just the same, what gets me going,is when I ask if we need to anything jointly, and he replies,No  no no, but as soon as I start on something, I get " could you just hold this or that",or worse due to his Blood thinners," quick I need HELP" ,but after just shy of 60 years  marriage should be used to it, but then again, I am not getting any younger either CHOL:):)

    Take care all


  • Mine is the same, AQ. Wants to drop everything because he just thought of something which we need to do....

    We went out to the huge garden centre which I've mentioned occasionally, Bents in Lancashire: they do lovely home cooked food and nice lunches, besides having acres of stuff to browse around. It began raining on the way there but we ignored it and went into the shop without coats.

    After drooling over the home furnishings, my OH surprised me in the next section by agreeing to buy two new shirts as they were on offer of "2 for the price of 1" so I rushed him to the till before he changed his mind!! I do get fed up with seeing him in the same three nearly every day. Then I chose a gorgeous small photo frame for one of my endless pictures of the grandchildren. Later I added a jigsaw for little Rosie, which spells out her name - that will have to be put away for a year or so as although only 30 pieces, she won't be able to read it yet! But as they have a house full of toys, its nice to find something which can be added to her collection one Christmas when I don't know what to get.

    As I looked at the colourful plant displays (nearly took a photo as just mind boggling amounts of bright bedding plants) my OH wandered off and came back to inform me that the queues for lunch were very long, and it was only a quarter to twelve! When we tried to join one, we found that to have a nice hot dinner, we should have booked online earlier, and he did not want to have a salad, so we went back to the cafe part and had two steaming bowls of hot soup with lots of chunky bread. His was a sort of bean concoction and mine was cauliflower with some sort of cheese in it. Tonight we are just going to have something on toast - he has been finding lots of wild mushrooms when out with the dog, and he loves them just fried and on toast.

    Edit:  Not one plant or flower was bought, but then our garden is fairly crammed, now! It was nice to wear a "best" blouse and wander around looking at nice goodies.  We came back to a hot cup of tea and both fell asleep in the middle of the afternoon!

  • Good Morning. Dry here and just a little warmer.

    Might venture into the town on errands if the rain holds off.
  • Good Morning. Dry here and just a little warmer.

    Might venture into the town on errands if the rain holds off.