Weekly Chat (Non-Osprey), 8 August 2021


The moon turns new tomorrow (Sunday). I hope everyone has a joyful, healthy, and safe week!

  • I know, Pat -- goodness knows where the hours and the days go....

    I'll join you in your arachnophobia. Argh! I would be running in the opposite direction to any spider Spider bigger than teeny. My solution is usually to put something over it, like a glass, & hope someone else will put it outside for me.

    Those temperatures are scary too, Diane. It's been reported recently that places in Europe are recording their highest ever recorded temps, in places like Italy and Greece.

    Sunshine here today but barely 20 degrees, quite cool for August.

  • Glad you enjoyed my pictures - we watched the windsurfer for a while as he fought to keep upright. I took my pics from inside the car as the wind was whipping across the water!

    Here are some more of him:

    I hope that the man & his dog don't mind being shown, as they're in silhouette. Aren't the clouds dramatic?

  • Lindybird;  It was that wonderful sky that caught my eye in those photos of the windsurfer.  I sat up straight when I first read your post about your OH going out in his shorts to play golf because shorts, on this side of the Pond, are men's underwear and I had visions of him making his way from green to green with white cotton undies billowing in the breeze as he went.....  

    Diane: Funny about that wolf spider because for the past week, I've been going out to pick up the paper first thing and running into spider webs.  And I too was thinking, 'Isn't it a bit early for this?'  Also, saw fluffy white flowers on the brush cherry bushes out back and thought the same thing because after them come the winter berries. Talking of spiders, woke up at 4 this morning, turned on the light to read for a bit and immediately spotted a small dark shape lurking in a corner.  I ignored him until he started meandering across the ceiling toward the bed - definitely a no-go zone - so got the broom and swept him off - somewhere....  Meanwhile, condolences on that miserable weather....

  • Lindybird said:
    Aren't the clouds dramatic?

    That's what makes the photos so beautiful.

    Our herring gulls are red listed birds.  Think about that the next time you hear some flaming idiot calling for a cull of them.

  • Hello to everyone. Sorry, I have not contributed for some time. I have read quite a lot of all your news with interest.
    There has been a lot going on here, and it is difficult to know where to start again.

    I love all your pictures, Lindy. They bring back memories of when we lived in that part of the world.
    I had to laugh about the golf club and the shorts (and Annett's interpretation). My OH's club would not allow shorts. It was/is very 'stuffy'.

    Diane, you are indeed a lover of all creatures. I am in admiration of how you could take your unwanted visitor outside, and then tell it that it was too early!
    Spiders (smaller ones), think it is autumn here too. They are stringing webs between our two hedges for me to walk into. These are the sticky ones, and the spiders end up in my hair.

    Best wishes to everyone. Pleased to hear that OG is making reasonable progress at home, and that the new kitchen appears to be a success.
  • Rosy: Good to see you! Hope you're doing okay?
  • Rosy!! Do hope things are OK with you.

    My OH is only allowed to wear the tailored kind of shorts for golf, & there are rules about shirts, too. No one there ever looks scruffy, I'm glad to say! But when he's home he will wear any old combination of best shirts & old trousers, or old shirt and clashing coloured trousers, he doesn't care!

    Annette, don't get me started on your USA versions of pants, shorts, tires and car trunks!!!!
  • Good Morning. At least, I hope its good - I'm suffering with hay fever since yesterday and in spite of taking medication it knocked the stuffing out of me.

    Dry and bright here but still quite cool temps, with showery stuff expected over the weekend.

    I'm going to just potter about for today, and hope I improve.

    Fingers crossed that OG and EEs kitchen saga will come to a happy end soon and that OG feels a lot better this weekend.
  • Just a thought

    Winning is fun, but those moments that you can touch someone’s life in a very positive way are better. (Tim Howard)

  • Clare, you might enjoy some pictures & discussions on a site I am a member of, The Cloud Appreciation Society. There are members worldwide and some of the stuff on there is mind bogglingly beautiful.