Weekly Chat (Non-Osprey), 8 August 2021


The moon turns new tomorrow (Sunday). I hope everyone has a joyful, healthy, and safe week!

  • "Dogs have owners: cats have staff" is my favourite cat related comment.

    Good Morning. Bright sun here and the golden crop of wheat behind our house is ripening beautifully. Unfortunately this means that the farmer yesterday brought a bird scarer to keep the pigeons off, and it goes off at random with sudden bangs which can be startling.

    My OH has gone off wearing his shorts, to play golf. One of his regular companions is waiting for a date for an operation and is very apprehensive, as it has chance of him needing to wear a colostomy bag afterwards, but he decided to take the risk as his best chance to remove a tumour.

    Got my hair cut yesterday and then restocked the fridge - who eats all this food, there are only two of us? Today is a wild whirl of more laundry and ironing. At least as my OH is out I can indulge in some TV which he dislikes whilst I iron.
  • Taking up from where I left off when showing the pictures of the Welsh castle- we drove along the coast from there and I spied one of the pleasure boats approaching which you can take for a morning out. The captain was giving a running commentary of all the points of interest.

  • Looking back in the other direction at the Marina and the green trees there, which are one of our usual walks when in that area.

  • The boat as it reached us - behind it, is the coast of Anglesey. 

  • Back again to the other direction, with parts of the town next to the castle. The grass is looking drier now as its "proper summertime" in August and everything comes to seed.

    Further along the road, a wind surfer was struggling in the gusty wind. The small mountains behind him are a backdrop to our area and part of the coastline where we have our holiday home.

    Edit: this part of the estuary is a haven for all kinds of water birds but I needed a telescopic lens to capture any decent pics. 

  • Some nice photos there, Lindy, but that last one is stunning.

    Our herring gulls are red listed birds.  Think about that the next time you hear some flaming idiot calling for a cull of them.

  • Hi, all. As I was getting ready to go to sleep last night, I saw a giant Wolf Spider next to my bed! The second biggest one I've ever seen. We are under a heat advisory for today. The heat and the high humidity will make the "feels like" temperature 105F or 41C this afternoon. The air is so heavy it's hard to breathe. The temperature was already 80F or 27C when I got up at 4 a.m. So, I have no idea why the Wolf Spiders are already moving in for the fall! They usually know when it's going to be a harsh winter. Everyone have a good day. I'll be back later to do replies. I have a doctor's appointment today.

    (I relocated the spider outdoors. I told him it was way too soon to be moving indoors.)

  • Not sure how I would cope with that, DIANE ! I don't like flappy things in close proximity and also a bit of an arachnophobe....
  • I'm a LOT of an arachnophobe - eeeekkkkk! Not sure what I would do in your situation, Diane. It would have needed to be dead before I could sleep. I know - one of God's creatures and all that ... but sorry, can't help it!! Your weather sounds scarily hot at the moment. Hope you manage to keep cool somehow.

    I've been a bit 'absent' lately - sorry. I have read everything. How is it that life is still so hectic and yet I don't seem to go anywhere?!?!?