WEEKLY CHAT (Non-Osprey) JULY 18, 2021

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  • My OH got the news from his Sister that the Doctor thought he should get down sooner than Sunday so he was on the road at 0420am. He phoned me from Tebay at about 0930 to say he was making good time. He had spoken tp his Sister again and it appears his Dad had a good night and even asked for water when he woke. Who knows???
  • It is a long journey, and an emotional one, DIBNLIB. Your OH will be glad that he went, whatever the outcome and of course he will be there to support his sister.
  • Thinking of your family at this time, dibnlib. I hope your OH had a reasonable journey.
  • dibnlib: Hope your OH doesn't have too difficult a visit..... Take care
  • Sounds as though you've got it made Annette. Glad the family enjoyed their stay but I expect you are pleased you can get back to normal. Take care. Thanks for the osprey links will look at them.

    AQ - good quotes as ever

    Saw bits of the opening ceremony but wasn't going to watch all of it. It will seem strange this year without the audiences to cheer on their teams but hopefully it will all be done in the spirit of the games ethos. I know several are scared of catching the virus and having their hopes dashed but lets keep positive. Onwards and upwards.
  • Hello to all
    I heard from OG last evening. She is still in hospital, but there ha s been mention of discharge. She thinks it isn't about to happen in the next day or so, unless there is pressure on beds and her bed is needed.
    Mobilising is very difficult, pain in OGs feet and legs as well as her usual joint pain due to arthritis.. One foot is sprained and there is plantar fasciitis in the other. Treatment with blood thinning drugs is on going and she is less breathless.
    Nursing care is by and large good, but the staff are ' run off their feet ' with the inevitable consequence that sometimes general care like turning OG in bed etc at night is perhaps done more quickly than comfortably.
    On a brighter note, OG said that the food in hospital is quite good, some tasty salads etc which she has been enjoying.
    EE and J are visiting regularly and from what I gathered, there are no fixed visiting times.
    OG sends her love to you all.

  • DIBNLIB – A tough time whatever happens. Stay strong, you may be needed.

    HEATHER – Thank you for the OG update. If you are in contact again, please pass on my prayers & hugs.

    Hallelujah. I’ve had my 2nd AZ jab. Terrible downpour and as soon as it eased, I drove to clinic, 20 mins early and sent to sit in freezing car. Quick & efficient. Home again, OH said “Look out the kitchen window”. No wonder visibility had been poor, we’d had hail. This ice was still waiting for me. Another rumble of thunder. . . I’m retiring to heater in lounge!

    The green are bulbs with wispy orange flowers in spring.

  • Just a thought
    Love, like sunshine, warms every moment. . . brightens every day. (Debra Crowe)
  • AQ - I haven't been paying proper attention on here, surely, because I heard an interview on the radio last night about covid in Australia. I hadn't realised how quickly it had spread and that half of your population are in lockdown. So sad after such great successes earlier on. I'm glad that you've had your vaccinations, again, I hadn't realised that the vaccination rate was so poor.
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