Weekly Chat (Non-Osprey), 4 July 2021


The Moon turns new on July 9 or July 10 (depending on your location).

I hope everyone has a wonderful week!

I'll be back tomorrow to make some replies. 

  • LOL!! AQ! Love those, especially "I attacked the floor...."

    Dry but dull & cloudy here. Been out and bought industrial amounts of chocolate as intending to make a chocolate refrigerator cake to take with us tomorrow. I'm still eating cautiously, as I think my feeling "off" was partly caused by what I'd eaten. Maybe these days I had better consider the effects before having a big slice of turkey & brie pie for lunch!

    My OH has been busily cutting hedges and shelling peas.
  • Glad that you're fee!ing better LINDY - Enjoy your family visit, tomorrow.
  • AQ - eight books sounds good to me!
    Son in law doesn't know when he'll get to Australia. Communication between here and there doesn't seem good. Now, the earliest flight he can get is weeks away at a cost ( to the company) of man y thousands of pounds...

  • LYNETTE Sorry I should have said that I hope you manage to get your Scotland holiday soon.

    LINDY It seems to be taking ages for Bonnies paw to heal.

    I think I just heard that Djokovic has had his serve broken so better go and check. We enjoyed the first mens semi.

  • A dramatic game, as you'd expect between those two prima donnas, dibnlib!

    We've had an odd day, and lots has happened. This morning my OH was informed that a friend of over 40 years has just died. (Yes, another death). At lunchtime Bonnie got between the wire netting and the back garden hedge, and got stuck. My OH had to put on his gardening gloves and try to free her from inside the prickly hedge, which has nettles and brambles growing through it. He bent the wire and coaxed her out again. She was so pleased to be out!

    Then he went to the allotment, and came back with a box of fresh strawberries. He looked serious, and said "Someone has climbed over the fence and stolen lots of peas. They also left the tap running, probably all night. It's made a hole in the ground but most of the water has drained away."

    I wish I could get a hold of the excuse for a person who did this, after all his hard work. I suppose we should be grateful that there wasn't more damage done

  • Lindybird: Indeed. If you get hold of that person, give me a buzz and I'll come and sort him/her out with you. You could always install motion sensor lights or even a camera hooked up to your phone, which is a depressing option. Was your plot the only one that lost its veggies? Was Bonnie wearing her hat (cone) when she got stuck? Loved the sound of "industrial" amounts of chocolate Yum :-)

    Watched the Djokovic match today. I was worried that he was going the way of Federer with such a young and relentlessly energetic opponent. Glad that didn't happen. Tomorrow the women's finals and Sunday it's the guys and the soccer final. When am I ever going to get anything done!
  • HEATHER – It will be difficult for your S-i-l to come to Aussieland now. Incoming passenger numbers have been halved (from 6,000 per week to 3,000) since the Delta variant arrived. Quarantine hotels can’t cope with the high numbers of positive covid cases in 2-week quarantine. If  he gets here he should be safe as WA has been successful controlling their latest outbreak . Our state is to trial quarantine at home for returned travellers who have been vaccinated. Meanwhile NSW, too slow to impose lockdown and with too many people not obeying restrictions, positive cases are rising daily.

    LINDA - I have wondered about your allotments UpOver. If here, it is quite likely that vandals would be regular visitors. They even steal or break off trees & shrubs planted in streets & parks.

    We woke to fog this morn. It started to clear about 11 am. Dau emailed a lovely photo of the Trio & Toby the dog, all warmly clad, out in a foggy park.

  • Just a thought

    Sometimes your joy is the source of your smile, but sometimes your smile can be the source of your joy. (Thich Nhat Hanh)

  • Thanks AQ for the info. .I'll pass it on.Much appreciated.

    Like today's quote - I was only thinking yesterday, that I can spend days without smiling. Not good !
  • LINDY - Not a good day for you both. I'm so sorry about your friend.
    I would be angry, also, to lose the fruits of all the hard work. As ANNETTE said, maybe some security equipment is sadly necessary. Now the thief has got away with it, will probably do similar again...