Link to June 2021

History of Ospreys at Loch of the Lowes

Webcam page with links to LotL Visitor Centre and Wildlife Reserve FB, Twitter and Blogs >>>


All captures and videos ©Scottish Wildlife Trust/Loch of the Lowes


Arrival dates: Laddie - 21st March  NC0 - 25th March

Three eggs laid: Egg #1 - 11.4.21  Egg #2 - 14.4.21  Egg #3 - 17.4.21

Hatch dates: Chick #1 - 18.5.21 (37 days)  Chick #2 - 20.5.21 (36 days)  Chick #3 - 22.5.21 (35 days)

25.5.21 - Third chick passed away Broken heart

22.6.21 - Chicks ringed: #1 - LR1 (female)  #2 - LR2 (male) 

26.6.21 - NC0 catches a fish

Ringing Blog >>> Meet our newly ringed osprey chicks - LR1 and LR2

PT4(19) arrives back in the UK: Blog by Joanna Dailey >>> An important visitor - Kielder Ospreys

9.7.21 - LR1 fledged at 52 days old, 17:01 >>> First Osprey Chick LR1 Fledges

Blog >>> We have lift off

12.7.21 - LR2 fledged at 53 days old, c17:40 Blog: LR2 fledges


From little 'fluff balls' to almost fully grown ospreys, LR1 and LR2 are doing amazingly well all thanks to the fantastic ongoing care from NC0 and Laddie (LM12). Not only have we seen Laddie providing fish for his family but NC0 has been successful several times just recently as well - what first-class parents they are! There continues to be the occasional intrusion from ospreys passing through, however, the nest and chicks have been protected outstandingly. We look forward to the next exciting phase in the young ospreys' development.

  • Geemeff said:

    Judge for yourself Sandra, here's the longer version of LR2's fledging, incorporating the first flight at 17.38 watched by LR1, and the second flight right after at 17.40, watched by both sister and mum NC0. 

    Geemeff said:



    To me, it appeared that LR2 did a long helicopter hover at the beginning of your vid, judging by LR1's reactions when she was watching him.

    Anyway, I'll go with whatever LotL say Slight smile

  • Morning all,
    Thanks for the early reports, Scylla. It was LR2's coming and goings in your last vid.
    Must go, time has flown by already (pardon the pun! lol). BFN
  • Sandra P said:
    It was LR2's coming and goings in your last vid.

    That was my original title but I chickened out Grin

  • Sandra said:

    "To me, it appeared that LR2 did a long helicopter hover at the beginning of your vid, judging by LR1's reactions when she was watching him.

    Anyway, I'll go with whatever LotL say "

    Scylla said:

    "Thank you, GEEMEFF

    I've got nothing to contribute for late afternoon up to late evening, it's taken me hours to clear up the mess created by this and other flaky cams while I was "absent".

    Morning both, and anyone else out there..

    A date and time clock would help - it should be mandatory for any livestream! Would save endless confusion, all those approx times would be a thing of the past. LotL are now saying fledge took place at 17.40, but what was initially called the first fledge would be a very long helicopter indeed, half a minute up out of sight of the camera. Thank goodness the livestream came back up to capture the moment(s)!

    Scylla, well done on catching up, that's a great video you've got of 462 - Foulshaw Moss fledging. Busy day yesterday, 490 - DYFI and 496 - Llyn Clywedog also fledged.

  • Geemeff said:
    496 - Llyn Clywedog also fledged.

    Well that's another "Did he really?".  I think a mystery force carried him up to the campost, he hasn't rivalled that achievement since and I don't think he will today - now that's very brave/foolhardy of me!

  • NC0 has been on the nest for a long time, guarding it - they've been troubled by intruders.

    Laddie brought in a long trailing clump:

    NC0 piled in and screeched at an unseen intruder - it didn't last long but the chick pancaked... Laddie flew off, I didn't see him arrive at the birch:

    I expect you'll get to the bottom of it all on your recap, SANDRA, but i just happened to notice that while doing something else.

  • "Who ate all the pies fish?"

    (c) SWT LotL

  • scylla said:

    I expect you'll get to the bottom of it all on your recap, SANDRA, but i just happened to notice that while doing something else.


    When watching that event, Scylla, Laddie chipped and mantled as well as NC0, it didn't last long and no threat appeared. 

    14:55ish LR2 flapped down to the nest from above the cam to join NC0 and LR1. He stayed for a short while before leaving


    15:30 LR2 could be heard vocalising (alarm calling?) and then there was the sound of a crow. NC0 went on high alert and shot off the nest screeching, flying off high out of cam view.

     16:50 LR2 landed onto an empty nest

    At present, LR1 (perch) and LR2 

    I haven't seen any fish deliveries.


  • Unknown said:

    "Who ate all the pies fish?"

    Lol, Korky! That'll be LR2 Slight smile