Weekly Chat (Non-Osprey), 27 June 2021


Everyone have a serene and joyful week! 

  • Problems are to the mind what exercise is to the muscles, they toughen and make strong.

    Problems are not the problem. . . coping is the problem.

    I think I’ll take a nap and let my problems solve themselves.

  • AQ: Those sea lions are glorious. After I saw your post, I went to this Google Site and this Google site and looked at the photos. I could sit on that cliff for a month and just stare at the scenery and the wildlife. The sea lions have so much personality. Wonderful!!!

  • AQ and Clare: I did swim with a manatee in the wild once many years ago. I didn't stay in the water long, because I was afraid an alligator might get me. LOL!!! Explore.org has a relaxing LIVECAM of manatees. They're highly endangered now.

  • OG:  Happy to hear you love your new kitchen.  It'll be so nice to work in (or at least supervise EE).  

    Lindybird:  Congrats on the new haircut and tx for pix of yet another dazzling poppy.  How does nature come up with these masterpieces!

    Diane: I don't know how those folks in the Northwest coped with it. My friend in Seattle texted me at 7 the other evening to say it was 109F.  Very alarming.  Meanwhile, we still have the coastal overcast in the mornings and pleasant sunny afternoons.   Hmmm.  Maybe buy a cheapo train ticket and spend two nights trying to sleep in a partially reclining chair? (Amtrak does have a 'quiet time' after 10 pm in their coach-class carriages.)

    AQ: Would be interesting to see how many miles we walk while shopping for groceries.  Toilet paper and other Covid-related products still very much in evidence here;; meanwhile the Delta variant is spreading thanks to those lovely unvaccinated types.

    I see England beat Germany in the Euro championships and Serena fell out of the Wimbledon competition due to what apparently is a very slippery grass court made worse by that new retractable roof?

  • Good morning!
    I hope LYNETTE, that you are feeling more comfortable now. Plus, a disappointment about your eagerly anticipated holiday. It may be for the best, though.
    OG- I'm not surprised that you have had to give up garden work. My bendy bits need painkillers these days before I pull weeds etc and I don't have your medical problems.
    AQ - take It easy ! My son keeps telling me that I should be walking briskly for 20 mins each day. I just agree but don't do it!
    ANNETTE - Your daughters visit passed quickly but it could be that I hadn't been paying attention to the days!
    LINDY - you will be glad to have a decent haircut again! I can't imagine having hair down to my shoulders but then it never did grow fast even in my younger days.
    DIANE - I hope that Scotland never gets a heat dome or whatever it is called. Our late friends had a home in Seattle as well as a house near Palm Springs. They used to go to Seattle when it got too hot in California !
    PAT, DIBNLIB and HARELADY and everyone - regards x
  • I know this doesn't directly relate to the U.K., so I apologize. But I thought you all should have the info so you can watch for spread into the U.K. It's getting worse here.   

    Our songbird mortality is skyrocketing in the midwest and south! Last week when I posted on here, birds were dying in 5 counties in Indiana. Now, widespread deaths are occurring in at least 50 counties! The birds are displaying neurological symptoms (seizures and balance issues). They appear to be unable to see and don't fly when approached, and their eyes are crusty and full of discharge. Their eyes look awful.

    Laboratory testing still hasn't been able to determine whether the deaths are the result of "disease or some other agent." Our state veterinarian is coordinating with the Department of National Resources to determine the cause of the staggering mortality. 

    I'm getting the impression that officials east of the Mississippi River are increasingly alarmed about this disease. We've been directed not to handle birds, and to wear gloves if we must. Our Board of Animal Health advises owners not to feed poultry or other domestic birds outdoors, and they should be kept in a fenced area during the day and inside a coop or barn at night.

  • Good Morning. I'm awake early as my OH is preparing for his golf morning & he disturbed me in spite of trying to creep about. At least it gives me a good start on the day!

    Love the "problems" quotes, AQ! Seem to remember a saying that a problem is not a problem unless you make it a problem!

    It's been quite a while since I 'walked briskly' and I would love to but while the mind is willing, the body is decidedly slow!

    My OH looked at me with his mouth open as he hadn't seen me with this kind of hair for a long time. I'm hoping it will be easy to maintain, otherwise my very short hair will make a return....

    Diane, I've just spent a few minutes with my mug of tea and with the manatees, such gentle giants. Thank you.

    Off to get my early start on the day!
  • Just seen that you've been on whilst I was writing, Diane. What an awful thing this new disease is....
  • Lindy: I think that Manatee cam is so soothing. I turn it on to relax. They're related to elephants!

  • Annette - much excitement here over the historic England football win. Plenty of football to come, yet, which annoys those who are not sports fans. Lots of discussion about the tennis as several players were falling over, which of course is dangerous for them as they don't want injury

    Sun trying to come out here.