Weekly Chat (Non-Osprey), 30 May 2021

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  • Thanks for good wishes. I am feeling brighter this evening. Home made lamb casserole from freezer for tea. I should have time to write more tomorrow.

    LINDA - I want to click the "jealous" button on those poppies!
  • My mother was 5ft 5ins and I always wanted to be that height - but I stopped at 5ft 3.5ins - that half an inch makes all the difference!
  • LINDY - Amber is so pretty - and so are your flowers!
    AQ - I'm happy to read that you are feeling more like your usual self x
    ANNETTE - I was buying feta cheese this morning and thought of you :-)
    PAT - I used to be 5'8 as well, but must have shrunk since my trousers seem to be getting longer..

    It's a very warm day here. I've pulled a few weeds but am lacking motivation today. New gardeners arrived to cut the grass but no date yet for the garden renovations. I found two enormous snails feasting on one of my hostas. Why can't they eat the weeds ?
  • Heather - I've always looked up to you on this Forum, and now I know why! I never dreamed of the heady heights of 5ft 8ins!

    Beautiful day here, with almost wall to wall sunshine. So unusual for a Bank Holiday. Had a lovely walk this morning soaking up the warmth - lovely.
  • Ha ha, PAT !
    I often get asked to reach up to the top shelf in supermarkets for folk!
  • Heather:  Count me as another person who can reach those high supermarket shelves.  My problem is finding stuff on the lower shelves (which is where everything I want seems to be stacked!).

    AQ: My sister was on a similar weekly drug regime that left her washed out for three days; then as time progressed they modified the frequency so she was only washed out for three days a month, which was much better.  Fingers crossed you'll be over that hump soon.

    So glad the UK is having good weather for the holiday weekend   May Gray here but sun should be out by noon.

    I may be AWOL tomorrow as Southern California Edison is cutting off power for needed upgrades.  They say  it will be from 8am until 4pm but it was almost 9pm last time before they got us back up and running.   This time they sent us coupons for packages of ice, which makes me wonder....

  • It’s first of June and I’m anticipating usual slow loading of this site. I shall defer further chatter until tomorrow.

    Meanwhile, today’s quotes. . .

    When I was a boy of 14, my father was so ignorant, I could hardly stand to have the old man around. But when I got to be 21, I was astonished at how much the old man had learned in seven years. (Mark Twain)

    Those who claim they can do at 50 what they did at 25 probably didn’t do much at 25.

    A man is not old until regrets take the place of dreams. (John Barrymore)

  • AQ: I'll vote for saying #2.

    I was planning on disappearing to Lowe's Home Improvement and other stores in Ventura while our electricity is out tomorrow, but now I'm thinking that maybe I'll just work in the garden and sort through OH's files (do we really need to keep an application for a bank account that we opened in 2010 and closed in 2017, etc., etc.?). Too bad the shredder isn't pedal operated like the old sewing machines, but will have a bumper crop to dispose of by Wednesday.
  • AQ: I can still do everything that I did at 25 years old. But it will take me three times longer to do it, and I'll need a week to recuperate. LOL LOL LOL!

  • An unsettled night here. Next door are having their house extended and at 9.30 pm they must have started breaking up the utility area which is just inside their side door. Below my bedroom window. I was already in bed, reading. Early, I know...
    What a flipping noise ! They were throwing stuff out of the door. It sounded as if WW3 had started! I have to say they are very pleasant folk but everything they do involves loud talk etc. Even the bin lids get banged shut when stuff is put in them!
    Rant over :-)
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