Weekly Chat (Non-Osprey), 23 May 2021

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  • Hallo all:

    Lindybird:  What big blue eyes that little sweetheart has.  Sounds like a wonderful day, apart from the traffic delays.  :-)

    Heather:  Hope the move goes smoothly.

    AQ:  Holding hopes for some good rain this season for you guys.

    Spent the morning hosing down the eaves and getting rid of a few years-worth of cobwebs, etc.  as the window cleaners are due on Tuesday.  Was doing quite well until I set down the hose with the spray head trigger in Off position to move some plants, but managed to knock over the broom which landed on the spray head and knocked the trigger to the On position. Guess who was standing right in front of it.  Never mind. Had a nice shower after some more yard work in the afternoon, dried off and grabbed a bottle of lotion that didn't have much left in it.  Gave it a shake to get the lotion up to the top, but the pop up lid was partially open so ended up with streaks of body lotion on the walls, mirror, towels, rugs, counter top, etc.  Oh my.  Decided it was probably better not to tackle the laundry after all that.  :-)


  • Sorry ANNETTE, I can't stop laughing. I know it wasn't funny for you - your day must have been one of those when it would have been best not to get out of bed.

  • Finally saw the cygnets at the uni swimming.  Until yesterday afternoon we had only seen them hidden in the reeds. What gorgeous bundles of fluff!

  • Aw, lovely dibnlib: they are cute.

    Sorry, been busy as today we went to meet Sue's new dog - he is some sort of corgi cross and was found wandering, so it's thought he may have just been thrown out. Consequently he doesn't have a name, but she's thinking of either Leo or Toffee.

    Here he is - he's very smiley!

  • He seemed friendly and has been very quiet overnight, so won't be the sort to bark and annoy the neighbours.

    Fingers crossed that maybe he'll be "3rd time lucky" for Sue!!! Fingers crossed
  • Annette, I'm still laughing at your unfortunate day, sorry!

    These days are sent to try us!
  • LINDY: Your granddaughter is beautiful. She also has a strong, resolute look that I like. I'm so glad that you were finally able to visit with your family. I've felt sorry for all of you who've been deprived of close contact with your loved ones.
  • Magazine nearly done and both “boys” are out so I have snuck onto this page instead of working! E-E has gone to Dumfries (M&S, Garden Centre and Morrisons); and J has set out for a walk (currently every Monday, Wednesday and Friday), including a visit to the bank with a question. No change in kitchen situation, car now expected 1st June, garden is drying after many showers and all progressing – and life goes on.

    DIANE – as you say, your weather seems to have gone from winter to summer with no spring – very confusing. Sorry to read about your reaction to second vaccination – hope your RA flare has fully subsided. Thanks for the new week and the eclipse info.

    AQ – E-E went to (fortnightly) church service again yesterday – said there were 12 there and none on zoom. I shall possibly go in person when I have the new car with turn and lift seat – I have not given in to Zoom services – it just seems too artificial to me. Glad you got some of your intended photos. Happy with LotL news, but sad about two chicks in Wales (one each at Dyfi and Glaslyn) as well as the Lynn Brenigg nest tragedy (excuse spelling of Welsh names).

    HEATHER – I hope your Daughter’s move will go well on Friday and that they will be happy in the house.

    LINDA – does that pretty Granddaughter ever smile? She is lovely, but I have noticed since she was born that she always has a serious face! Maybe she has a cheeky grin which doesn’t get photographed! Glad you enjoyed playing Santa in May but sorry about the difficult drive back home. I didn’t realise Sue already has the dog – I thought he was coming for a trial visit. He looks lovely, and has presumably past the corgi “nippy” age. Looks like a Leo to me – Toffee is too ladylike!

    ANNETTE – sorry your “calmer day” on Sunday didn’t work out that way – everything seems to have been against you!

    DIBNLIB – pleased you saw the cygnets on the water at last. Whereabouts is the university? I didn’t even know there was one in Inverness – or is it part of UHI?

    Well, back to "work" - reluctantly.
  • OG:

    Laughing when larking about in a blanket with big brother! She has a delightful giggle, but her face in repose does seem quite serious and pondering. Sadly, I didn't get a cuddle at all as she has forgotten us but I sneaked in a couple of quick kisses. Apparently it was the same for the other set of grandparents who visited the previous day. The price of lockdown for lots of grandparents. 

    Annette - She is busy working out how things work, and is beginning to boss her brothers around so maybe will be a stubborn little thing when she's older!

  • Morning all:   Actually yesterday wasn't a bad day in spite of my Keystone Cops capers.  Laundry has made it to the dryer with no mishaps so far.

    Lindybird:  Felt so bad to read that g'daughter didn't remember you.  :-(   Not unusual under the circumstances but am sure you and the family made plans to remedy that now you can travel.  Re her brothers, by the time she's grown she'll probably have no illusions about boys.  Oh and she has a cute little smile.  :-)    I do like the looks of Sue's new friend.  I'm voting for Toffee as a name because it's whimsical...

    OG: Not long for the car then.  Are you looking forward to going back to church proper?  I keep waiting for our yoga teacher to suggest we start holding classes in her studio again.....  we've all been vaccinated.

    dinblib:  How long have the adult swans been at the same location?  I was wondering if they'd bred before and what happens to their offspring once they're grown.  I know crows hang out in family groups but was wondering about swans and any territorial problems between the generations.

    Off to Tai Chi in a bit.  Will try not to trip over my own feet or do a face plant in the midst of Golden Rooster Stands on One Leg.  :-)

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