Weekly Chat (Non-Osprey), 16 May 2021

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  • Annette - Put in about the cancer which reading down is wrong. Corrected myself, but do hope your allergies etc soon clear up.. You'll have to go out another night for dinner when feeling better.

    As far as we are aware its all systems go for our trip up to Manchester. We are staying at a local hotel overnight so our dau doesn't have to drive up and back in a day. It will be the first time I've seen my brother for over 18months and we still have Cp's to exchange. Bolton problem shouldn't affect us as its a few miles from where our family home is.
  • Morning all:  Here's the link to dibnlib's post about the swan man.  :-)  https://www.bbc.com/news/uk-england-cambridgeshire-57156755

  • AQ: My friend in Kansas City has long Covid. She was pretty sick (not in hospital) and it affected her lungs badly. She's getting better now (6 months later), but it's been a long haul with CT scans/doc visits, etc...  Still, there's the "you can lead a horse to water, but....."  saying.

    Lindybird:  Re your poems, it's odd that men can be so disinterested and seemingly dismissive about what their wives accomplish?  

    Lynette:  How much sugar do you add to the rhubarb fool?

    Got lots of paperwork/organizing sorted yesterday.  More today but the worst is over.

  • Annette- He's never been much interested. We do have a lot of shared interests but my writing has never been one of them. Ho hum. He's expressed a sense of pride when I've been published by a local newspaper, and one of his golfing friends has said "I see your wife's been on the Letters page again!" but otherwise its not a big deal.

    Sue went to a Rescue Centre today to meet a dog, and has agreed to take him home on Saturday. She will have the option to return him if he doesn't fit in. Fingers crossed that he's suitable, as she would take anything with sad eyes I suspect.

    It's rained a lot today and the wind is getting worse, as predicted. Our old plum tree is waving around and I fear for it, as its propped up by supports my OH has put under it. Can only wait and see.

  • Lindybird:  Oh good news that Sue has the opportunity to try out a new four-legged friend.  Will be interested to hear how things go.  :-)   Hope the plum tree survives

  • LINDA, CLARE, ANNETTE – You know & I know that my OH would be better off with the covid jab. But he has always been a reluctant visitor to Docs and as Annette says about the horse, one can’t make a stubborn person etc etc. He seems to think if he doesn’t go out, he won’t catch it. He is not alone. Apparently 15% of Aussies don’t want to get vaccine and another 15% are reluctant. Many over-50s want to wait for Pfizer “sometime later this year” rather than the A-Z available now. Too many are complacent - Aussieland has such low numbers of positive cases and almost all those already in hotel quarantine. How quickly things can change though.

    Last week police, incl. plain clothes cops, were checking that all were signing in wherever we go. Do you have this? Every shop, every café, wherever we go, supermarket, hotel, sport venue, church, doctor, library. Not on the bus however. At least since the blitz, businesses have made signing-in easier for us who do not have smart phone. If caught not signing = $1060 fine for individuals and $5060 for businesses.

    This morn I took the somewhat crowded bus to city to get a book each for twins birthday. I already have some craft stuff. I also went to special shops for vitamins & camomile tea – cheaper there than suburbs. Reinvigorated by outing, after lunch I attacked more weeds. In bookshop, I noted new books (for me) & duly recorded author & title; I expect to read them from library system as none appeared interesting enough to keep forever. Sorry bookshop - I can’t afford to buy as many as I read.

    LINDA – fingers and toes crossed for Sue.

  • Just a thought (apron messages)

    One day. . . I’m gonna make the onions cry.

    Your opinion wasn’t in the recipe.

    It’s not burnt. . . it’s crispy.

  • Good Morning. A wild night, with gusty winds. The plum tree has survived :-)

    AQ - I understand that your OH might want to put his head in the sand, but it must be frustrating for you. Glad you managed to get out and about again. We only have to "sign in" with details when eating out or going to similar indoor venues, now that cinemas & theatres are opening again.

    Very sad drama today about the scandal surrounding the famous Diana interview and the aftermath after all this time, with the truth finally out. I do feel for both the young Princes.
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