Link to April 2021
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All captures and videos ©Scottish Wildlife Trust/Loch of the Lowes
Arrival dates: Laddie - 21st March NC0 - 25th March
Three eggs laid:
11.4.21 (10:18) - NC0 lays an egg
14.4.21 (08:04) - NC0 lays her second egg
17.4.21 (07:41) - NC0 lays her third egg
Hatch dates
Chick #1 - 18.5.21 (37 days) Early hours The first chick has hatched at Loch of the Lowes
Chick #2 - 20.5.21 (36 days) 1:16am The second chick has hatched at Loch of the Lowes
Chick #3 - 22.5.21 (35 days) The third chick has hatched at Loch of the Lowes
25.5.21 - Chick 3 passed away Sad news about our third chick
Absolutely delighted to have watched three precious eggs being laid. Laddie and NC0 have perfected their incubation duties and, through trying times during April, defended them and the nest from multiple intruding Ospreys. Hopefully, it will not be too long until we see three chicks being cared for by their super parents.
NCO, who is making some racket just now, flew off a few minutes ago in direction of the birch trees where Laddie is known to sit [12:29}
Cam followed - an osprey is sitting there.
Could this be Laddie
SWT - Loch of the Lowes
NCO quickly returned and continues to call
Apologies if duplicate posting but this site is a nightmare just now
Many thanks for the updates (I'm looking after a 2 yr old today so I can't check in as often) NC0's fish calling reaction to the Osprey on the birch (Laddie's usual fish de-heading place) is very encouraging...please let it be Laddie.