Weekly Chat (Non-Osprey), 25 April 2021

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  • Lindybird:  That's just awful!  I'd be really upset too   I can't imagine the two dogs are going to get on any better this time round.  I wonder what on earth happened and why the neighbor thinks that taking back Boris would make a difference.   I wouldn't be surprised if she doesn't change her mind again.   It's alarming that she was so hostile.  Poor Sue!  

    OG: Congrats on the haircut.   I'm getting mine cut Friday; it's longer than it's been in decades.  Friday we're also going to dinner at our friend's house:  Anyone who's had both shots and past the two-week period can gather with similar folks and not have to wear masks.  Yay!

    Did not go to watch the rocket take off today - the launch pad was the farthest one away from viewing points so I just puttered down to the ocean and watched it from there.  A bit of an anticlimax from that distance, but through the binoculars I could see the vivid red flames/exhaust as it disappeared....

  • LINDY - How distressing for Sue and by extension, you and OH. The neighbour certainly seems to be all upside down with herself and I doubt that it has much to do with dogs. To deliberately decide to upset Sue is cruel and perhaps jealous behaviour. I'm so sorry x
  • Lindy - How awful for poor Sue, and for Boris as well. They had built up such a close and supportive relationship. Very hard to cope with a loss like that. I'm so sorry for all concerned, both two-legged and four-legged.

    Another lovely day here, I'm off to Hever Castle later to see what promises to be a wonderful display of tulips. Some lovely pictures on their website! Should be warm enough for a picnic lunch as well.
  • Good Morning. Thank you for sympathy on Sue's sad position: she tried to reason with the woman but then a nasty side of her came out and she even made threats. Sue decided that rather than fight it she would have to give in. The woman even threatened her own suicide plus made dire threats to Sue herself- she is mentally unstable.

    We both had a good cry, then got angry, then tried to look forwards in life. It is doubly hard as Sue has had a life where she has had friends let her down in the past: she doesn't deserve this. Sorry to rant on about it

    My OH has gone off to golf and I have exciting things like floors to clean, but I also have a new tablet pc to get to grips with as I decided to buy a new one, rather than spend money on trying to mend the old one which had become unreliable. Have a good day everyone.
  • Pat you came on whilst I was posting- enjoy your day. I would love to see the TulipTulip tulips!
  • Thank you BJANE.

    We are going out for tea!!! 

  • Sometimes my supply of curse words are insufficient to meet my demands.

    I don’t have the energy to pretend I like you.

    And yet despite the look on my face, you’re still talking.

    (t shirt messages)

  • Good morning, all.

    I've just been looking at my bank account online and I noticed that I've had an increase in my Carer's Allowance. All of my excitement evaporated when I realised it equated to an extra 5p a day.

    I'm at a loss as to why they bothered.

    Our herring gulls are red listed birds.  Think about that the next time you hear some flaming idiot calling for a cull of them.

  • Clare - Can you buy anything for 5p? I think even a unit of electricity is more than that ... My brother in law gets a Carer's allowance - I bet he's really excited!
  • I bet he's similarly disgusted.

    If I save my 5ps for 187 days it'll buy me one prescription item.

    Our herring gulls are red listed birds.  Think about that the next time you hear some flaming idiot calling for a cull of them.

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