Return Dates for Louis last year was 5th April 08.15 and Aila 6th of April 09.24
The happy couple last year - lets hope its not too long until we see them safely return from migration.
LINK TO MARCH 2021 THREAD - where all links are to previous threads and history.
EJ's Memorial Balgavies Loch Ospreys 2023
Birdie's DU Summaries 2018
Update as at 15.48
13.45.06 152 returned with a call, looking for the Young Pretender
13.48 She started calling expectantly, watching..
13.48.48 The Young Pretender came down, landing on her back. She called, he faux mantled!
13.49.45 152 calls, YP looks around him
13.50.03 YP opened his wings, 152 went towards his talons, but there was no fish
He lifts up and lands on her back. She did not respond, kept her tail down and tipped him off.
He flew off down over the near ridge.
13.50.30 152 watches quietly, over the back of the nest
14.02.01 152 flies, dropping away from the nest of our right and off the screen
15.32.44 152 returned with an intruder chip, and then called, looking above and around, head waving to get focus.
15.44 152 continues to call, and tend her feathers intermittently.
15.49 Her calls are getting louder and more persistent
What is it with these young males Haven't they read the rule book that they need to supply fish to entice the females, or are mums not passing this on these days!!
Don't be deceived into thinking she has flown - she has, but only up to the campost!
Edit: 17.02 she is still there. No sign of the Young Pretender, or a fish
Edit edit: Liz posted that 152 flew off around 17.00, with no further appearance from the Young Pretender, nor a fish delivery.
12.01.08 on Fri 14th they're back and getting better at it!
Female on the nest, looking around, especially into the distance......and flown
C Loch Arkaig
SheilaFE said:Thank you Geemeff. That looked a successful mating! This pair fascinates me. They usually arrive together so where are they coming from. We've never seen a fish delivered, but neither is starving! There is no commitment to the nest - no nestorising although they have half heartedly defended it from what we don't know. She generally arrives first, followed by the male. She landed on the nest at 05.25.50 and remained alone, although she was definitely looking around for him. She was there for just under five minutes before flying off.
Hi Sheila, I wonder if they're still using the Bunarkaig nest, and just pop back here occasionally? They are definitely getting better at this mating lark, but not in time for chicks this season, I should think. Maybe if he brought her a fish they might set up shop here, but he doesn't seem so inclined, although as you note, they both look well nourished. Already after noon today, no sign of them yet, wonder if either or both will pop in?