Return Dates for Louis last year was 5th April 08.15 and Aila 6th of April 09.24

The happy couple last year - lets hope its not too long until we see them safely return from migration. 

LINK TO MARCH 2021 THREAD - where all links are to previous threads and history. 

  • Scylla
    Look at the black line down the chest and belly.
    The male black line is wider and goes down past the legs.
    The female black line narrows and stops before or between the legs.

    Richard B

  • Thank you Scylla and Richard! Will amend the description.
  • New BBC series about Scottish land ownership, I clipped the bit in Episode 2 featuring WT and Loch Arkaig.

    IPlayer link:

  • Geemeff said:
    New BBC series about Scottish land ownership, I clipped the bit in Episode 2 featuring WT and Loch Arkaig

    Just from a quick browse of your clip, GEEMEFF - I think the horrifying is still outweighing the hopeful.  Thanks anyway Hugging

  • Thanks for that Scylla. I'll steer well clear.
  • scylla said:
    Geemeff said:
    New BBC series about Scottish land ownership, I clipped the bit in Episode 2 featuring WT and Loch Arkaig

    Just from a quick browse of your clip, GEEMEFF - I think the horrifying is still outweighing the hopeful.  Thanks anyway

    it's a very sad situation, and astonishing to think it's still happening in the 21st century. Hopefully the new law on mandatory disclosure of land ownship will help, and perhaps some of those tax haven companies might be embarrassed enough to sell up allowing locals or organisations like WT and the Langholm initiative to acquire it for all of us and for wildlife.

  • Just heard, confirmed by George, that the Osprey nest at the end of this video clip belongs to Louis & Dorcha! This is where they raised their chicks #Aspen (LW3) and #Alder (LW4)!

    The clip by Jack Harries shows him climbing Louis' Scots Pine tree to collect pinecones for the SeedProject  for treesforlifeuk  

  • Geemeff said:
    the Osprey nest at the end of this video clip belongs to Louis & Dorcha!

    Thank you!  I tried to make a snap of the whole nest but the camera swept by "on a slope" plus the light changed, so it wouldn't work - but you get some idea Blush 

  • Scylla

    In reply to Geemeff:

    Geemeff said:

    the Osprey nest at the end of this video clip belongs to Louis & Dorcha!

    Thank you!  I tried to make a snap of the whole nest but the camera swept by "on a slope" plus the light changed, so it wouldn't work - but you get some idea

    Nice one Scylla! That's a pretty decent cut&paste giving a good view of the nest.

  • Unknown said:
    Look at the black line down the chest and belly.
    The male black line is wider and goes down past the legs.
    The female black line narrows and stops before or between the legs.

    Missed this, RICHARD !!!  Thank you very much, I had no idea Astonished

    A couple of years ago we used to get very good views of Great Tits on the LG feeder - I noticed then that some had very "messy" black stripes, like mottling, and I assumed that any variation was random.  I hope we get some close-ups soon, while I still remember Wink


    It seems to have caught an infection from Poole Harbour - not the thumbnail you can see, that's just the arty zoom: