Link to March 2021
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All captures and videos ©Scottish Wildlife Trust/Loch of the Lowes
Arrival dates
Laddie 21.3.21
NC0 25.3.21
It has been great to witness Laddie (LM12) and NC0 renew their bond and also begin to make a safe and cosy nest for impending eggs. It is encouraging to watch NC0 much more comfortable in her surroundings and hope that all continues goes well for them both from here on in.
11.4.21: Blog - NC0 lays an egg
14.4.21: Blog - NC0 lays her second egg
17.4.21: Blog - NC0 lays her third egg
Morning all. Mary I hope you're feeling better today A few minutes ago, the bird on the birch took a dive into the Loch, flew off to the right and then made a u-turn back to the birch
7:20 Laddie left the nest. The bird on the birch took flight - it was NC0 who flew straight to the nest to continue incubation
Edit - she had a fish piece in her left talons when she landed and ate before settling down
Birdies LG DU update.
Mike, I had a quick scroll through and couldn't find the 'buzzing' incidents you referred to, perhaps others will have better luck?
Just after 7:30, Laddie paid a short visit
He's just left again after bringing in some fresh bedding
Off to work soon. BFN
Mike B said:Patily, I think you'll find it is Laddie. There was a changeover just over an hour ago and NCO flew off. Since then he has been 'buzzed' twice by a bird which has gone on to perch in one of the dead trees top left. Hopefully one of the ladies can get a video of the event. Oh for a time stamp!!
I'm not at all confident that the relevant clips have been found.
I wondered if NC0 was chasing corvids. "Oh for a time stamp" indeed !!!
Fantastic video, Scylla! Well done for finding Mike's observation this morning!
A bit of a catch up:
Around 14:55, Laddie delivered a fish to a very noisy NC0
She took it to the birch to eat
15:10 Laddie was chipping/alarm calling
When he settled back down on the eggs, NC0 could be heard chipping. Within, a minute or so, he took flight leaving the eggs alone for around 3 minutes
NC0 returned to the nest, flying from the birch
She flapped down from the perch
She is still incubating at 16:24 and has been calling occasionally for the past 5 minutes - maybe she's requesting a break as Laddie (I assume) is on the birch
No wonder NC0 was calling, Laddie arrived with fish at 16:55(ish)
She took it to the birch to eat. Laddie took over incubation
17:10(ish) NC0 took her flight back in the direction of the nest but didn't land
17:20 Laddie continues to incubate
17:40 After staring in this direction, he flew from the nest and headed that way
NC0 landed about a minute later
She is now incubating in the rain