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  • Just a thought

    Butterflies can't see their wings.

  • Hello there DIANE. Hey, I am impatient to do as much as I used to. I hope you escape the bad weather.

  • Good Morning. A blustery wind outside and a bit showery but its not too cold. My OH is off to the allotment to see to his improved water supply arrangements. I can see he's keen to get the season started again as he enjoys his time there, and of course we reap the rewards later, with the produce.

    I'm off for our big shop where I try to get most of the weeks supplies.
  • Thought you might like to see the view from our kitchen: the camellias are at their best now.

  • Lovely poem, LINDY thank you !
    Just back from doc (vaccine) an d shopping with eldest daughter.
  • Is that your second dose Heather?

    Its become quite blustery here, and half an hour ago we had hail! Bright sunshine in between, though.

    I've bought some of those little miniature Easter eggs for our grandchildren, so that they will be postable. Still dont know when we will see them. Dont want to stand in the street exchanging Christmas presents! (Yes, I've still got them) :-(
  • Yes, LINDY, the second dose.
    I'm so looking forward to being together as a family. As many of them as I can kidnap !
    Wishing ANNETTE a safe journey tomorrow -
  • I think you're the first of us, then, to get your 2nd dose Heather. Hope you feel a bit safer now in a couple of weeks or so.

    Our Youngest has been saying how his two boys have been getting on at school-- they went back on Monday. Apparently they're both exhausted by the excitement of it all. Matthew is, however, attending in a class held at the nearby Leisure Centre as his part of their school was partially burnt down during the lockdown, and they will have to wait until after Easter for things to be repaired and for it to be ready for them to return.

    Edit:  Vandalism grrr....

  • I just lost a post and found I was not signed in (sweary word).

    Good that you have had your second dose, HEATHER. My OH had his first nine weeks ago. He asked about the second when he went to the surgery for a blood test last week, and was told rather vaguely that he would " hear by the end of the month". We are not happy.

    I also wish HEATHER a safe journey, and an enjoyable time with the family. I am envious.

    Lovely camellia LINDY.

    Our new recycling bins finally arrived after many delays/wrong bins being delivered. In my last email to the council, I could not think of a suitable word to express my dissatisfaction, so I just wrote ******. That seemed to get results!
    I had to rearrange them slightly to protect our Nelly Moser which has just started into growth on the fence behind.
  • Sorry, ANNETTE, of course I meant a good journey to you.
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