• scylla said:
    "Balbucam" (Loire)

    Well would you believe it?! Open mouth Heart eyes 

    The cam stayed rock solid until I stopped it @ 7 hours, and look who I found Open mouth Smiley Purple heart 

    Gorgeous orange-ringed (=French) female, 2 minutes only:

    I need to sort out the copyright for this cam.

    I can't read the timeline but I wonder if it's 18:34?

  • Lovely! It could be10.34, as the second digit looks like the one in 2021.
  • Unknown said:
    Lovely! It could be10.34, as the second digit looks like the one in 2021.

    That makes much better sense, thank you ALISON!  I've also had to correct the ring colour to orange, following info from Kukelke on the Glaslyn Chat.

  • This is more like what I was expecting to find, lol - I wonder who made the funny not-chirp at the end?

  • For you Scylla the details of your Orange ringed osprey with kind regards to Rolf Wahl who monitors the French nests - The female Osprey seen to-day, 8/03/2021 is a regular visitor at the Balbucam nest, every year in March. Her orange ring reads 02 dot. She was ringed in the forest of Orleans on 10/06/2014. As she arrives here early, she usually turns up at the Balbucam nest long before an unringed female comes back to breed there. 02 dot has been breeding about 5 Km from this nest but failed in 2020. However, she was documented on 01/09/2020 by photos by Jorge Safara at the Alqueva Dam, frontier of Spain/ Portugal.


  • Valerie D said:
    details of your Orange ringed osprey

    Thank you very much, Valerie, it's nice to get some background Hugging

    Maybe they've got their very own Blue24?  No, it sounds as tho she doesn't have a pash for the resident male Wink

  • Thanks Valerie for the background on this Osprey. I've followed the Balbucam nest for a couple of years. As you may know, the group that monitors this nest, and indeed much of the forest, is fighting an uphill battle to stop the construction of a major road through the forest which is a protected area. If you look at the area beyond this nest on Scylla's video (and thanks Scylla for the vid!), you will see a large cleared area - there used to be trees filling that space. My French is very rusty but reading the latest update, I believe they have an important legal hearing on March 18th. Fingers crossed that their appeal to stop the construction is finally upheld. If it goes ahead, the fear is that its impact on this nest (and no doubt the nest of 02 dot) will be detrimental.
  • Lisa K said:
    the group that monitors this nest, and indeed much of the forest, is fighting an uphill battle to stop the construction of a major road through the forest which is a protected area.

    Sounds like over here Tired face

    As you say, Lisa, fingers crossed.

    Altho this stream is part-time, unlike others it seems to be being picked up here automatically whenever it comes online, and I think it would be nice to monitor it as closely as poss this season, keeping it in Other Nests so's not to add to the LG forum threads.

  • That would be great, Scylla. Thanks!
  • Lots of activity on the nest today - mainly orange-ringed but I haven't stopped to ID the personnel yet - one good close-up shows 02 tho - plus some rivalry half out of view.

    I've started a vid but it will be a long time - hypo-ness has taken over, must take a meal break.