Poole Harbour Osprey Project 2021 Season

As it's nearly that time I suppose it's time to start a new Thread for the Upcoming season.

For 2020 thread click HERE

Richard B

  • Unknown said:
    couldn't resist--need a bit of levity

    I put several different captions on the vid but they distracted, so I left it at a one-word pointer.

    Yesterday afternoon the download froze @ 16:47 and I blithely didn't notice - it still thought it was downloading when I checked just now 02:30? but was only showing 10 minutes duration.  I've had a go at rollback but only noticed a lot a zip-bys pre-midnight, this was 2 frames, ID please? Grinning

    Let's hope both our ospreys are fine 'n dandy at daybreak, then I can write off yesterday with a less heavy heart - in any case,ALISON would have known if anything significant occurred.


  • I accidentally left the live stream live, hence (while buried in Clywedog) heard feet on the campost, switched to view the cam just in timeto see our Nightjar fly away Heart  I knew it had been around but couldn't pin it down from rollback.


  • I haven't checked the morning yet, but this bird is still there now:


  • scylla said:
    I haven't checked the morning yet, but this bird is still there now:

    Then its partner appeared briefly:

    Concluding 31 May:

    A few cambumps but I found neither of our couple on the nest all day!


  • 01 June

    No overnight birds.

    Someone landed on the campost @ 07:06, I thought I heard a couple of very tiny osprey tweets - but no-one on the nest yet.

    I wonder if ALISON knows if I missed someone yesterday?


  • CJ7 flew in earlier and lay flat, wings spread, expecting a threat from above and around - I did see a bird briefly but it came to nothing:


  • Hi scylla. I think there was very little (if any) action in front of the camera yesterday. This morning it is thought that a new osprey came in over the coast and then passed over the nest, causing CJ7’s reaction, but it may well already have left the area now. I saw two ospreys together over the Wareham Channel later this morning, so probably our pair, and no others were seen at that time. We are still hoping that another of our translocated two year olds might appear.

  • Here's a really rubbish photo! (They were quite a long way away...)

  • Thank you for all the info, ALISON - I hope there are more returners too!

    Unknown said:
    Here's a really rubbish photo!

    Not at all, I'm sure I can read the ring numbers Grin

    And thank you, anyway, for taking the trouble to post it - it's completely different from seeing them on-cam.


  • I've had a big freeze-up with the Poole Harbour download since 12:40 Hushed my footage is inaccessible.  Checked YT rollback, much good that does as I'm so useless with it.  I'm hoping it will be OK from now on.