Poole Harbour Osprey Project 2021 Season

As it's nearly that time I suppose it's time to start a new Thread for the Upcoming season.

For 2020 thread click HERE

Richard B

  • Unknown said:
    I think I will stop posting on this thread as this is so close to my heart as a volunteer on the project, and I don't wish to upset anyone any further by disagreeing with the general sadness about CJ7.

    You couldn't reproach us more harshly if you tried Hushed

    I shall continue to feel sad for CJ7 in her unfulfilled status, and my heart will continue to lift every time she has a perky prance Heartbeat

  • In any case, ALISON - you don't upset anyone, I'm sure, by not being sad - a voice from a different perspective is very welcome, especially from one with hands-on involvement Blush   

    And we're very accustomed to more "scientific" contributions when we're getting carried away with anthropomorphism, I've had numerous corrections over the years.

    Yesterday CJ7 spent very little time on the nest - her last session was pre-noon!  She tidied some bracken and mini-sticks, stood on the egg insouciantly (where did that come from?! Hugging ), stood on the nest for a couple of minutes and flew off to our left-ish.

    And a 6-legged (Hushed) spider put in a brief appearance.  It has been fairly wet overnight.

  • 15 May

    CJ7 didn't land till 0735 - she poked and picked in the nestcup a little, then stood in the rain till going back up to the campost @ 0850. 

    She was back with a small stick @ 1338, landing on the egg!

    I had to find out why she was chirp/chipping so upped the volume - and could hear corvidy voices:

    She spent several hours away from the nest in the afternoon, returned in the evening and I missed her final departure around 19:50 as it fell between 2 6-hour sessions.

  • 11.36

    Copyright Birds of Poole Harbour

  • Her eggs not going entirely to waste!


     2013 photos & vids here

    eff37 on Flickr

  • An early start for CJ7, as soon as the hail subsided she landed on the perch and stayed there a while before flying up to the perch.  She did come down a couple more times and picked in the nestcup but didn't turn or incubate the egg.  Once the egg had gone, we saw no more of her for the day, and the wind made it impractical to check the cambumps.

    Yesterday I made a mental note of the egg's paleness, it's like NC0's third egg.

  • Unknown said:
    Yes, five eggs now.

    I’ll say this till I’m blue in the face - the fact that CJ7 is here ready and waiting is brilliant for the long-term project that this is. She is a star, and could be the founding female of a dynasty! Rejoice in her! We are so privileged to be able to witness this all happening before our very eyes. (And there will be a male at some point.) Rant over.

    I totally agree with you. You have no idea how annoyed I am every time the "I am so sad for CR7" line is written. CR7 could have been one of the luckiest ospreys of all time but it was not to be. Meanwhile we just got to watch for events to unfold. 

    One thing I do notice is that we are seeing more 2yos every year. Now that is good. 

  • Well said ALISON and TIGER I suppose some of us have been guilty of anthropomorphism
    CJ7 currently having a good preen on the side of the nest
  • Hazel b said:
    You have no idea how annoyed I am every time the "I am so sad for CR7" line is written.

    If we see an eligible male, or any male, in the area I may come around to your thinking.  In the meantime I think that CJ7 is a very unfortunate, unfulfilled, beautiful female.  And look how well she prepared that nest Hugging 

  • CJ7 flew from campost to perch @ 06:22, then onto the nest where she glanced into the nestcup... she stayed and preened until 07:07, and flew off.  Not back by noon, that's as far as I go in that session.

    Forgot my Raven - it spent a disappointed 8 minutes on the nest after 09:00... I also forgot the time, I'm almost unconscious, what with one thing and another Grin