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  • Thanks everyone, for your kind messages.
  • OG - yes, maybe your scooter batteries benefited from a drive! Good that J seems to be on the up and up.
    Drama in the family - Youngest daughter woke up in the middle of the night to find a bird flying around the bedroom and a very innocent looking cat gazing at it. Son in law managed to rescue the bird and took it outside. Cat slunk downstairs and went under the kitchen table, which seems in their house to be the feline equivalent of the ' naughty step' . Daughter has an intense fear of what she calls ' flappy things' so had an anxiety attack.
  • Eeeekkkk! A flapping bird in the bedroom on the middle of the night ... not funny. Reminds me of my two cats - not sure which was responsible - who caught a large thrush, bought it through the cat flap, took it upstairs and then let it go. I heard all the excitement and rushed upstairs, to find the bird flapping around, unhurt and very strong. I'm not keen on 'flappy things' either - but I had no choice. When it settled on a flat surface I threw a towel over it, carried it downstairs and released it. They tried to persuade me it was a present. I won't tell you about the rat ...
  • PAT - on night duty one night, a bat appeared in the ward. Trying not to wake any patients, attempting to deal with said bat, not nice as it wouldn't settle any where ....
  • HEATHER Sorry to hear about your daughters panic attack.

    PAT O Don't mind flappy things, but preferably not in the house.

    Glad on both occasions that the birds were saved.

    We finally had word from Viking yesterday that our April cruise is cancelled. We have rebooked today and all being well!!! we hope to go on 27th June 2022!
  • DIBNLIB I hope that you (and LINDY) will get your cruises when the time comes x
  • Thank you, Heather. We do hope to go --- eventually! Dibnlib, so glad you now have something to look forward to. It will soon come around.
  • We have just watched the Rover landing on Mars. Brilliant!

    Sorry about your daughter's panic attack, HEATHER. Not pleasant. Also that Callum's problems are not over yet. It is very hard on a young person to prolong this case so long. I wish him well.

    I bored you all a few days ago about the recycling plans here. My (male) neighbour was so sceptical about how much other residents would want to use it. Now it has proved highly successful, he has taken all the credit for organising it!
    It reminds me of a cartoon I once saw of a boardroom. "Great idea, Miss Smith, get one of the men to suggest it"

    I am desperate for hairdressers to open again. I have really straight hair, and need to have it regularly trimmed. Now it has grown too long, I look as if I have just stepped off my broomstick!

    Thinking of DIANNE. Hope your abscess is healing and that you are managing to keep reasonably warm. Lucky bunnies to have you nearby,

    DIBNLIB, Sorry you have to wait such a long time for your cruise, but this date should definitely be 'on'. Anticipation is sometimes half the fun, but you have had plenty of that already, I know.
  • OG - nice to read that all seems to be going well with J and yourselves. We are out of isolation tomorrow and all ok now.

    Yes, been watching the news of the awfully cold winter that America is having and in particular the area where Diane is. It seems to have been one hell of a storm and still going on. Do hope Diane manages to keep warm, at least she managed to get some provisions in. Diane - just read that you have some wild life making its home under your car during the bad weather.

    Heather - nice to read that Amy's sight has passed its test. And now problems with Callum - do hope the problem is resolved satisfactorily.and that the decision will be made immediately re the verdict so that you can all recover from the stress.

    Dau has been on halfterm week and has taken it very easy, recovering from a mild dose of Covid and trying to catch up on maths revision as she is trying for her GCSE in maths although it could go by the board this year because of all the disruption to the courses for everyone. She is back in school on Monday as they have to open for the vulnerable and key workers' kids.
  • Just seen that the Rover has landed successfully on Mars and listening now to the newsfeed from NASA. Great accomplishment.

    Hope you are all keeping well.
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