Happy New Week and Happy Valentine's Day to anyone celebrating it  Heart eyes

  • LINDY lemon and sugar for us too, OH had 4 and I had 2. A cousin has recommended adding currants to the lemon so we will do that tonight. Luckily we have left over batter.
  • LINDY I remember a dentist giving a talk in church. She opened by saying that she has a job that everyone hates. I told her later that I love dentists. I have a mouthful of crowns and implants.
  • HI! Having had my scooter serviced, OH has decided it needs to be run, so he has gone to Boots on it for my repeat prescription. I have managed to keep him off it for three years but am a bit “miffed” that this is another example where control is disappearing from me. It is insured!

    This morning J had his phone chat with his “work coach” who will be unfortunately changing to a different person next time. Earlier this week his neurologist phoned for a video consultation which went very well. He has decided the anti-epilepsy drugs may be contributing to the anxiety and he gave J the chance to change, with the warning that this will entail not driving for a while. J chose this option as he doesn’t need to drive while he is unemployed, and summer is the easiest time to make journeys by bus and train once we are “unlocked”. Various packages have been arriving this week with online orders for the three of us; I always enjoy unpacking them even when I know what they are!

    I wish things could improve for DIANE – it seems even the weather is against her, and with more to come. With bulbs and wildlife here, it is beginning to feel more like spring, but I think this is a false spring and we have more cold spells to come, as well as a lot of rain again.

    LYNETTE – I hope you will all be out of isolation soon – I couldn’t keep up with who was testing and vaccinating, but I believe the three of you had to isolate for each member of the family who had positive tests. At least it sounds as if you had very mild symptoms, if any.

    Difficult to understand how anyone could not like pancakes (crepes) but pleased to see that those who do enjoyed them with choice of accompaniment. Ours were delicious, and we had raspberries and ice cream to follow to make up for not having had vegetables or salad.

    OH and scooter are back safe and sound so I now need to unpack and log my medical supplies.
  • OG:  Cars need to be run to keep batteries charged (a bit like humans I suppose) so I assume your scooter may need that too, given that you've been feeling more tired than usual of late.  Or maybe EE just fancied a spin in it?  :-))    We have an older gentleman up the road who owns a golf cart that he tools  about the neighborhood in (not legal on the freeways though). It looks like fun.   Hope J's med change will help his mood; will a new work coach help him look for work when the time is appropriate?

    AQ:  Ankle bracelets not up to it?  I guess the only other option is deep brain implants.  :-))     I share your dislike of extreme heat.   I just wish all those storms barreling across the US would drop some rain in our area; we're just getting the wind they create en route...

  • I'm also thinking about DIANE,
    Not a lot happening here, Amy has been for her yearly eye test for diabetic retinopathy - all OK.
    The Procurator Fiscal has appealed against Callums Not guilty verdict and there will be a hearing next Tuesday.
    Regards to all and thank you for your posts. This site is my first go to each day !

  • Oh Heather, I'm so sorry to hear about Callum. Thoughts and prayers for him and the whole family that everything will go smoothly next Tuesday.

    Not sure what I've been doing all day, but the time seems to have disappeared. I find it very odd that I seem to spend a long time sitting in the same place and yet things happen! I guess it's something to do with having my laptop firmly pinned to my lap for several hours every day ...
  • Heather:  I was about to ask what was going on with Callum.  What a pain.  Just what nobody needs right now.  Will the powers that be make a decision yay or nay next week or will you guys have to wait for them to 'deliberate'?

    Was out on errands today and can't remember when the ocean was such a wonderfully rich dark blue.....had to stop and look at it.  So lucky in our warm little corner of the world....

  • HEATHER: I am so very sorry that Callum's verdict has been appealed. So worrying for you and your family. I hope the hearing on Tuesday will uphold the Not Guilty, and that ruling will finally be the end of this stress for him and for you. Sending you strength.
  • OG: I'm so sorry that you feel such a loss of control over your life. I would hate that feeling, too, so I understand. I hope J will thrive after the anti-epilepsy drugs are withdrawn. I'm glad you have flowers and wildlife now to cheer you.

    The only wildlife I've seen are the two cottontail rabbits who are still sheltering underneath my car. Yesterday and today, I took two carrots outdoors, rolled them under the car, and then replaced the snow drift. I immediately heard loud chewing. :-)

    Take care of yourself.

  • Annette and Anyone Else Who's Interested:

    The NASA Perseverance Rover will land on Mars on Thursday, 18 February. The NASA TV broadcast from Mission Control starts at 11:15 a.m. PST / 2:15 p.m. EST / 19:15 UTC. I think that's 7:15 p.m. in the U.K. I think the actual landing will be at approximately 3:55 EST. That's 12:55 p.m. in California and 8:55 p.m. in the U.K.

    THIS PAGE provides links for all the places that you can watch the landing streaming live (YouTube, Facebook, etc.) You can also watch it on NASA TV HERE.

    This will be a very, very difficult landing. FULL INFO HERE.