Back later to catch up.

  • Morning all:

    Harelady:  I was also off to get punctured this morning for upcoming annual physical.  Unfortunately, my clothes are as tight as ever....

    AQ:  Will piggyback on Lindy's wish for a tolerable week.  Hugs from here.

    Limpy:  Nice to see you.  Stay well and let us know if Clare gets up to anything naughty.  :-)

    Must water the garden this morning and no rain since the recent downpour and nothing on the horizon....

  • Unknown said:
    let us know if Clare gets up to anything naughty

    Who, little innocent me?  I've never been to the Capitol.

    Our herring gulls are red listed birds.  Think about that the next time you hear some flaming idiot calling for a cull of them.

  • Heather: Oh no, I don't own all of the land in that photo. I own less than 2 acres, which is around my house. That patch has been in my family since the 1800s, when my Scottish ancestors arrived here and homesteaded it.

    I don't even know who does own all of that dense forest south of my house in the bottom half of the picture. That land isn't worth much, because (1) it's in a flood plain and the creek floods it when we have a season with heavy rains, and (2) there's no road access to it. So even if folks wanted to buy it and cut down all the trees for the lumber, they wouldn't have any access to carry the wood out. Also, this is a poor rural community. There aren't any well-paying jobs close by, so there isn't any demand for development of land for new homes. 

    My local small town may own it. Or, decades ago, a railroad went through there, and the railroad company might still hold the deed to it. I've never investigated who holds the deed, because I don't want to draw attention to it and have somebody decide they want it. I like being left alone. LOL!!! 

  • AQ: My thoughts are with you. Sending you strength for the beginning of your treatment. It's cold here tonight, so I'll send you some cool air so you'll be comfortable.

    I also noticed OG's absence. I hope she and the family are okay. 

    LIMPY: It was nice to see you. Hope all is well with you and Clare. 

    Rosy: I hope your OH is progressing after his surgery. Good that he got his vaccination.

    Lindy: I loved looking at your recent photos. Good luck with the plumbing. 

    Annette: That photo you inserted at the beginning of the last thread was beautiful. I've only seen the Pacific Ocean once, but it is overwhelming in its beauty. Loved the picture of the skunk. It's a big one. I had a skunk on this patch last year, but I haven't seen--or smelled--her for a while.

  • LINDA, HEATHER, ANNETTE & DIANE – Thank you for your kind thoughts. I’m home, zapped, didn’t & don’t feel any different! Thank goodness weather has cooled. Bushfire in South-East yesterday threatened Lucindale. Sadly a house, former store & Methodist church at Avenue Range were burnt out. The church-***-school long closed and was used as a holiday house. I photo-ed it 2019 on a bus trip.

  • Just a thought

    Don’t cry over the past, it’s gone. Don’t stress about the future, it hasn’t arrived. Live in the present and make it beautiful. (Anon)

  • AQ;  Hope feeling normal after the zapping is a good sign.  Too bad about that church/holiday home.  Hope you don't have yet another ghastly fire season - I'm sure you live in the same apprehensive state that we do after a dry winter.  

    Diane: I find the power of the ocean (any ocean really ) wonderfully imposing - it puts everything in perspective.  I remember Carl Sagan's "tiny blue dot" and visualize our beleaguered little planet against the backdrop of the universe and realize all our preoccupations and wars are so pathetic and inconsequential.  I love that satellite generated panorama of Earth with no borders, clouds, etc - all green and blue.  Oh well.   But I really have to figure out why my photos are so blurred when I upload them.

    Lindybird:  Apropos of that, do you upload the photos directly from your phone/iPad/whatever?  

    I suspect OG is busy.  Maybe her menu choices for the week have hit a snag?  :-)

    Went out to the garden after lunch to do one thing, but found I couldn't do that until I did another thing. But I didn't have the correct tool (where DID it go!) for the 'another' thing, consequently the first thing didn't get done.  Then I got distracted and found two other things to do and ended up doing four of them.  Sigh.

    Going to do my jigsaw now and find some rubbish to watch on TV.  Oh, and some chocolate too.

    Take care everyone.

  • Morning all - well my veins behaved and the sample was collected first time. However before that my blood pressure was taken and was very high (mine does tend to fluctuate) but it was 152/110 - never been that high. The blood was for a kidney test as the BP tablets I am on can damage the kidneys. So I am doing a weeks worth of AM & PM blood pressure measurements and will take that back after a week.

    Then in the afternoon the surgery called and said one of the doctors wants me to come back for a full blood count test so I have to go again today at 12. So who knows what's going on.

    Has anyone else had these sort of problems? The BP tablet is Ramipril 20mg.

    This morning the car has to be at the garage at 8.30 for MOT & Service, so must get going.

    Have a good day all - and best wished to AQ and glad your treatment has started.

  • Good Morning. Have been having no end of trouble trying to write on here with my tablet, which is playing up in some instances: maybe its just getting old! (Like me LOL!) Hate trying to write more than a few words using my phone, as the text is so tiny: if you make it bigger, you only get two words on a page, LOL!

    So here I am, on the desktop and mighty glad that I have more than one way to access the internet. Diane, so pleased to hear that you are now up and running again. Also, sounds good that you were given some stuff free of charge.

    Harelady: I'm on that tablet and yes, they did monitor me at first for any kidney problems, but I seem to be fine. Hope they can get to the bottom of whatever they are worrying about.

    Annette: Your system of gardening sounds very similar to mine: I go out to do one thing, get distracted by another, have to find the right tools etc., pick up something else, then find its lunchtime or whatever and the original errand is forgotten or certainly not done that day! I loved that "tiny blue dot" idea and think of it often. If only all the wars and arguments could be consigned to the dustbin of time....