Weekly Chat (Non-Osprey), 13 December 2020

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  • Hallo all:

    dibnlib:  I Googled Jane Alexander - she has her own vessel right?  I read her report on a cruise up the coast from San Diego to San Francisco.  I'll have to see if she has anything on YouTube.  What's the new jigsaw?

    Diane:  I was awake at 3 a.m. this morning and went out to see if I could see any of the Geminids.  A very clear sky with more stars that usual but after 40 minutes, no sign of anything.  Not the best spot in our back garden. Some  local astronomy buffs go up the hills behind town for a much wider view but I've not tried that yet.

    AQ:  Re neighbors, sometimes we'd be better off with 'seen and not heard' maxim applied to them.  Your January schedule sounds like a pain- but we'll be here to cheer you through it.  Hugs from California.  

    Heather:   Sorry to hear that granddaughter is feeling discouraged.  It's so hard when someone has a talent or passion for something only to find out jobs are scarce in the best of times and don't pay a lot anyway, even  though they'd be happy just doing what they love.  How old is she?   Lindybird makes a good point about volunteering, but I imagine even those opportunities are somewhat limited at this point.

    Lindybird:  A plumbing success story in record time too.  :-)

    OG:  Wonder what kind of side effects the stronger pain killers might have (apart from controlling the pain better).  Seems like the anti-inflammatories were doing the trick though - or did I miss something.

    Have annual check up with dermatologist so must hose down and tootle off....   Meanwhile, spacebar is behaving itself today.

  • AQ - do hope appts come quickly for you and that treatment will commence pretty promptly. All the best.

    Heather - hope your lunch went well with his grand-daughter. No doubt memories will come to the fore, enjoy them.

    Tree up and decorated this afternoon, looks quite sweet with just plain small led lights. This is a real tree which I bought last year, quite small , but has begun to grow and fill out so after this Christmas back to the garden and repot ready for next year.

    Keep those quotes coming, AQ.
  • Just saw latest numbers from CAL.

    Apparently Aussies are interested in US election. Google searches on that topic have been higher than bushfires and corona. As well, our interest in US election  was FIVE times higher than in our own election last year!!!

  • Just a thought

    You’re off to Great Places! Today is your day! Your mountain is waiting, so . . . get on your way! (Dr Seuss)

  • AQ: Ha. And we've been watching anyone else's news coz we couldn't stand ours! Saw my dermatologist who commented that if Trump had been re-elected she would have had to figure out which country she could move to.
  • Good Morning. Very dark and can see the stars as I get up, today. But dry, hooray!

    Annette - Think you've got the wrong Jane, there. Jane McDonald is a singer who has made a series of programmes about cruising holidays. Very entertaining. See that Trump has had yet another bad day as Biden officially endorsed now.

    AQ -- Hope your neighbours turn out to be quiet ones, although I suppose that they will have to finish off the unfinished bits of the house, which might mean workmen banging around. Hope you're feeling stronger daily, now.

    OG - Seem to have crossed with you last night as I was multi tasking, writing on here & watching TV at the same time! Interesting that your meds are changing, but it must be hard taking so many things every day and having to remember all of them. I too, hope that the stronger painkillers don't bring problems.

    Lynette - Your tree sounds lovely. We did that for some years, fetching in a small tree in a tub until it got too big to move and then we planted it in the front garden, whereupon it whooshed up became giant over only a few years. Eventually my OH had to reluctantly cut it down as it got way too big.
  • Always look forward to 'Just a thought 'Thank you AQ and like others,prayers and thoughts winging their way 

    and maybe Heathers Granddaughter would find some solace in Dr Seuss full quote

    Today is your day
    You're off to great places
    You're off and away

    You've got brains in your head
    You've got feet in your shoes
    You can steer yourself any
    Direction you choose

    You're on your own
    And you know what you know
    And you are the guy
    Who'll decide where you go

    Out there things can happen
    And frequently do
    To people as brainy
    And footsy as you

    And will you succeed?
    Yes you will indeed!
    (98 and 3/4 percent guaranteed)

    You're off to great places
    Today is your day
    Your mountain is waiting
    Go, get on your way!”

    apologies for size Grr!!!!

  • SUNNY KATE love that. Thank you.

    HEATHER Sorry to hear your Granddaughter is so down. I have a friend whose nephew is in a similar position. He designs haute couture and was getting some good sponsorship. Everything has stopped at the moment and also a relationship has failed so he is very unhappy.

    ANNETTE I see LINDY has responded about the singer. I bought my jigsaw in 199? and it is a real beaut. It is a scene of Santa Clause overflying the moon. Trouble is that the edge is all holly and really has to be done in daylight and we aren't getting too much of that at the moment.
  • Thanks, SunnyKate - not heard that in full for years.

    Dibnlib: Meant to ask, what was the subject of your jigsaw. Sounds lovely - and very seasonal! Somewhere in the loft I have a jigsaw from my childhood, of the golden Queens carriage at the Coronation in 1953. I must dig it out - I wonder how hard I would find it now? Don't think its too many pieces. But too busy at the moment.

    The sun has come out here and the birds are feasting on a packet of suet which I found getting old in the cupboard yesterday. Also, I found something else...... Later, I will tell the story of The Great Custard Disaster!!!! Oh, my!
  • Oh no LINDY. Hope it wasn't too messy. It is a Waddingtons limited edition jigsaw from 1994 and is entitled "The 12 days of Christmas" You can find it on line.
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