Weekly Chat (Non-Osprey), 29 November 2020

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  • OG, so pleased to hear that you're feeling so much better. My OH loves treacle tart, too!

    Annette, guessed you'd had a tiring time but if course it's lovely to see the family. Just a puppy on its own is enough for me! Hopefully by the time it comes again it will be a lot older!

    My OH spent half an hour fighting with some outdoor lights which he put away working fine last year, but which now stubbornly refused to work. They ended up in the bin, and I spent a half hour myself researching online for a replacement set, now ordered. OG, I know what you mean about the blue ones, they're piercing!

    From our conservatory, looking south, we can see a bright light, high up. This was visible in December last year and my OH informed me that it was a fully life sized Santa & Sleigh on the roof of a grand country house, three quarters of a mile away as the crow flies, from our abode. This is the house of a millionaire, and we can sometimes see his helicopter arriving and departing as he commutes to wherever it is he goes. His lights appear to be on 24/7 and so I wouldn't like the electricity bill as they've been glowing for ten days already!
  • Good Morning. Pretty orange and pink clouds here as the sun comes up. Just been sending Happy Birthday wishes to our eldest grandchild, Tomasz (pronounced Tom-ash) who is ten years old today. My OH has just remarked that when he was ten years old, he had to get up early enough to help to milk 60 cows before he went to school!!
  • By the way, just went back to double check and AQ is having her surgery on Thursday 3rd December.
  • Oh yes, LINDY. I have heard many times from OH about the chores that he and his brother had on the farm early in the morning. According to him, he was in charge of the vegetable garden from age 12 ...
  • Not sure what's happening  but the Site is playing up - it takes forever for posts to load...

    Here is the view from my bedroom window 1st thing today:

  • Lindybird. It appears to be the '1st of the month syndrome' again. There have no doubt been updates overnight. The current delay from post to appearance is around 2mins 30 seconds. I have informed RSPB. Hopefully it will settle during the day. When is anyone's guess.
  • It’s the first day of month, with usual gremlins slowing site. I haven’t been able to log on until now (8 pm). We woke to rain this morn, 3 mm, temp has dropped 10 C.

    OG – Fantastic that your anti-inflams are effective. As LINDA says, Thurs is my op day. Another taxi as I have to be at hospital 7 am (that’s Wed eve UK time). Dau aka “Responsible Adult” will collect me some time in afternoon. Sooner the better says I; I want my own bed & pillow.

    How different are we. A West Aussie woman, with difficulty, obtained travel exemption from our authorities to travel to Scotland to care for her elderly parents. She was amazed to land in Edinburgh airport without a test or even a temperature check. No mandatory hotel quarantine and not even any need to self-isolate. However she booked a flat and only spoke to her parents from a garden bench. After about a week, she had a sore throat and tried to get a covid test, as she would in Aussieland. No way, only people with a continuous cough and/or fever could be tested, and she didn't qualify. Luckily it was not covid. She said Sct govt was good with messaging but enforcement of rules was lacking.  Now back in Perth, she is in 2 weeks quarantine, as per Aussie rules.

  • Older people shouldn't eat health food. They need all the preservatives they can get. [Robert Orben]

    Be careful about reading health books. You may die of a misprint. [Mark Twain]

    My doctor recently told me that jogging could add years to my life. I think he was right. I feel ten years older already. [Milton Berle]

  • Cold here today. I've been in town at hairdresser. She rents a chair in a salon but is now giving that up and coming to clients ' homes. I was horrified when she told me that she only does 12 hours a week in the salon but is paying £700 a month to the owner. So I'm going to be like OG and get her to come to my house !
  • Morning all:   Indeed, site is very slow....

    OG:  I found that video (Sounds of Science parody)  Hilarious!  Here's the link: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=57jRBt4h6ks  But what are all these clever people going to do when he's gone!  Glad you're doing better - how come they didn't put you on those anti-inflammatories before?

    AQ:  Great quotes.  Tiresome that you have to spend more time hanging out in hospital.  We'll look forward to hearing that you're back home again.  Disparity between county/state/national Covid rulings explains why we're all stuck with it.  California Governor Newsom is considering severe shutdown orders for those counties (e.g. Los Angeles) seeing sharp increases. We aren't too bad up here so I'm hoping we'll be allowed to stay with the current restrictions.

    Lindybird:  I remember you mentioning your (rich) neighbor's light display last year.  I wonder who he is...   Thanks for sharing the correct pronunciation of Thomasz.  :-)  Lovely morning view there.

    PatO:  Must agree that I too am jealous of that murmuration display.  And yes, described so beautifully.  Sigh.

    Heather:  Our hairdressers risk their licenses if they do home visits, though I suspect not too many tell on them.  I've started paying the woman who cuts mine in the salon (not very often!) in cash and bumping up tips.

    Getting new tires on the car today at Costco. And must do something about the leaves....

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