Hallo all.  Have a wonderful week.

  • The tentacles of the internet: This arvo I received an email which has amused me mightily - from djt offering me (and friend) a trip to Washington if I donate, blah blah. Sorry Don that’s not a city on my wanna-go list. . . and any way us Aussies have not been permitted to travel overseas since March.

  • You Aussies have a government a sight more sensible than ours.

    Our herring gulls are red listed birds.  Think about that the next time you hear some flaming idiot calling for a cull of them.

  • CLARE - That one was the Federal govt's decision. Not all states have had the same strict restrictions, hence one is currently recovering ever-so-slowly from their mistakes. Yes, it's tough to be out of work, but even tougher to be dead.
  • Thanks to all for your kind thoughts. I heard from France an hour ago. My brother will be in hospital for about ten days. He's getting physiotherapy and appropriate meds. It's his right side that is affected. My sis in law is busy getting a bed put downstairs. Fortunately, they have very recently put in a shower room/ toilet downstairs.
  • Heather - Sounds as though your brother is getting good treatment. I do hope he will respond well, and will be home again soon.
  • So sorry to hear the news of your brother. Hope he gets home before too long and that his wife is able to cope.

    Good to see news from CLARE and to know that Limpy is well.
  • HEATHER - sounds as if your Brother is getting good treatment - great that they started physio straight away - physically and mentally good for him.

    Gas man has just called in to fit two little plastic clips replacing some which had gone brittle - all worked well for 24 hours, so seems like a good job competed.

    Podiatrist came this morning - two toes with dressings - both on the same foot this time.

    J off work - terrible joint pain - no feedback re blood tests yet.
  • Morning all:   Thick fog here today but there's a faint aroma of burning California in there too.

    Clare:  Did you take those fab photos of the shrike et al?  

    AQ;  That's hysterical!!  But of course DJT probably isn't aware that Australia is another whole continent somewhere else.....

    OG;  Glad boiler fixed; hope J feels better asap - for your sake too.

    Heather:  Let's hope that the worst effects of the stroke wear off.  Do they know what kind of stroke?  I imagine they couldn't give him that drug that's supposed to work miracles in the first four hours due to his delayed action.

    Off to have coffee with Brit friend.  We usually sit socially distant in her garden, but not sure where this morning.....

  • ANNETTE - don't know yet what kind of stroke, language difficulties.... However a .mutual friend of ours, a retired GP thinks it's sounds like a haemorrhagic stroke. He lives in Cornwall and is a fluent French speaker. He would have been over to Brittany on the first ferry, but for the dreaded lurgy. I'm hoping that he may be able to phone and speak to a French medic. My brother hasn't the faintest idea what meds he is taking :-(
    OG - I'm so sorry about J's joint pain. That won't be helping his general mood. I hope he'll hear soon, - did he get the X Ray?
    Thanks to all for your news, I've lost the plot a bit but will improve soon !!
  • Unknown said:
    Did you take those fab photos of the shrike et al?  

    Yes.  I take it you like them?

    Our herring gulls are red listed birds.  Think about that the next time you hear some flaming idiot calling for a cull of them.