Weekly Chat (Non-Osprey), 30 August 2020


I hope everyone has a safe, healthy, joyful week! 

The full Harvest Moon is 2 September. It's late on the night of 1 September for Annette.

For the gardeners on this thread, HERE is a photo of cardinal flowers blooming on the prairie at a state park near my hometown. Cardinal flowers (lobelia cardinalis) are wildflowers native to our prairie. It's a member of the Bluebell family. They depend on hummingbirds for pollination. I just thought they were a happy sight.

  • Hello all. Not been on lately as not a lot to report but notice that you have all been busy with various things.

    Hope any problems have been sorted or are on their way to being.

    Been quite a pleasant day with a beautiful sunset , if only one could see more of it, blocked by two large lleylandis on a private plot overlooking our house. Just looked out and saw the full moon rising in the East.

    Have a good weekend all.
  • OG - Me have a quiet afternoon? By the time Oh returned I had his new pants washed & dried (sunny breezy day) and they were ready for checking length. By teatime I had one pair shortened. . . and he is wearing them today.

    ANNETTE – I keep forgetting to explain the “positive” quote. This year, positive has taken on a new meaning. With so many people testing positive to covid, no one would want to be around “positive people”. Yes, I have “travelled” with webcams around the world including 3-D tours of cathedrals. I could waste hours doing that. BTW Little ol’ Adelaide has some webcams. Nothing very exciting happening most times. “Town Hall North” is looking up King William St, a wide thoroughfare through city with cars, buses and even a tram. “Town Hall South overlooks Victoria Square, city’s central square. “Rundle Lantern” looks east along Rundle Street, the part where nothing much happens. I may have appeared when I photo-ed Malcom Reid’s former store!

  • I just spent half an hour looking for my phone in the car, using the flashlight on my phone.

    I’m having people over to stare at their phones, if you want to come by. . .

    How come iPhone chargers are not called Apple juice?

  • Hi, all. Happy Weekly Chat Anniversary!

    This evening, rather late, I went to the convenience store on the highway to get a bean burrito and a lemonade. On my way back, I flushed out a yearling White-Tailed Deer who is living in my side yard, which I'm not mowing this year. He passed right by me. Last year, my local doe had twins, a male and a female. The deer I saw must have been the male twin. He still has his spots, but he's already a very large buck (like his daddy). I think it's because I don't pull the weeds that they love on the edge of my yard. LOL

    Lindy: I've enjoyed all of your Wales photos, and I'm glad you had a nice time on your holiday. Such glorious beauty there. I couldn't figure out what you meant by new "net curtains." A decided that you all must put nets over the windows to keep out shore birds, bats, and insects. Then, I realized that what you call "net curtains," we call "sheer curtains." LOL!!! I learn something every day.

    AQ: Your Noisy Miners are engaging, pretty birds. They seem to have fearless, aggressive personalities like the Kingbirds here. I never think the "funny cards" are very amusing. Americans have become a mean-spirited people. 

    Rosy: I am so very, very sorry that your OH received a text with an appointment for the oncology clinic. Try not to panic until they confirm the diagnosis and the necessary treatment. I hope you can get an immediate appointment and the staff will answer all of your questions. Hugs to you!

    Annette: I'm glad you restored the irrigation system to functionality. Sounds like hard work. My county is ground zero for Covidiots. I'm so, so happy for you having the opportunity to watch the Cooper's Hawk for such a long time. You won't forget that soon.

    OG: I'm so sorry that your leg wound has worsened. I'm glad they pronounced it uninfected, but it seems to me that they ought to be able to fix that, dang it. Sending you hugs and healing energy!!!

    Clare: I'm so sorry that you and Limpy have been through a challenging time. I hope Limpy continues to get effective care for PTSD, and I also hope the Parkinson's remains stable. I'm so glad you all were able to get out during the lockdown. Lockdowns aren't healthy for anyone. Hugs to all of you! It must be wonderful to see seals where you live. I don't think we have any here, even up on Lake Michigan on the Indiana northern border. OOOhhh! I would have loved to have seen that Short-eared Owl! I had a big Barred Owl pair here earlier this summer. They would hoot whenever I went outdoors. But they've disappeared. I don't know whether the chicks fledged, and the adults moved on. Or whether R.T. Hawk and his mate drove them off. They laid eggs early, so I'm assuming that the birds have simply all left the nest.

    Hello to Harelady, Lynette, and anyone I've missed. 

  • AQ;  Tx for the link.  Didn't realize the hills were so close to the city.   Never heard the one about iPhone chargers.  :-)

    Tx for explanation re positive people.  (Me being clueless again!)

    Did a lot of puttering today, then did large grocery shop before heat (and AZ appendages, who are showing up Monday for three days) .arrrve. Picked up two yummy salads from the Natural Cafe, then went completely off the rails by opting for their incredibly wonderful carrot cake, which I brought home and inhaled with a scoop of ice cream, resulting in major sugar overload. Now I remember why I don't do that more than once a year.   Getting hair cut tomorrow; salons are open but will do the shampoo at home; not sure if they're using hair dryers yet...

    Have a good Saturday everyone.

    Diane!  Just crossed posts with you.  Lovely about the deer!

  • Lindybird said:

    Bonnie discovering a recently deceased gull on the sand. No sign of injury. Thankfully she left it alone.

    That's not a gull - that's a gannet!  How sad - I wonder what happened to the poor bird?

    Forgot to mention, Lindy, that I've really enjoyed looking through all of your beautiful photos.

    Our herring gulls are red listed birds.  Think about that the next time you hear some flaming idiot calling for a cull of them.

  • Unknown said:
    Americans have become a mean-spirited people. 

    Some Americans.  You can't write off a whole nation ....... especially your excellent self.

    Our herring gulls are red listed birds.  Think about that the next time you hear some flaming idiot calling for a cull of them.

  • Good Morning. Thanks to Clare for the ID on the dead bird on the beach: My OH said, "Oh, look, a dead heron!" but I said I know its got a big break but it's not. Then we looked at its neat blue veined webbed feet & decided it must be a kind of gull. Not a mark on it, and it looked healthy, too.

    Another sally forth to get food supplies today. I feel quite safe now as there are very few people in the supermarket I go to, as it seems to have been deserted by a lot of regulars. Maybe people are getting more food deliveries these days but I prefer to browse & see the food myself if possible.

    Diane, had no idea you don't call them "nets" there!!!
  • Lindybird said:
    My OH said, "Oh, look, a dead heron!" but I said I know its got a big break but it's not. Then we looked at its neat blue veined webbed feet & decided it must be a kind of gull.

    Gannets are awesome birds.  They have a two metre wingspan and they dwarf all the gulls, even the great black-backed!  They actually incubate their egg with their feet.  Here's a photo of a living one:

    Lindybird said:
    Maybe people are getting more food deliveries these days but I prefer to browse & see the food myself if possible.

    I'm with you there.  I'll also say that it's good for us to have social contact, which means I never use the self-checkouts.

    Our herring gulls are red listed birds.  Think about that the next time you hear some flaming idiot calling for a cull of them.

  • I've just read that it's International Bacon Day. Mmmmmmmm ......... yummy!

    Our herring gulls are red listed birds.  Think about that the next time you hear some flaming idiot calling for a cull of them.