Weekly Chat (Non-Osprey), 5 July 2020

I hope everyone has a wonderful week. Stay healthy, all.


Here's a repeat of my post at the end of last week's thread:

Hi, folks. I'm late in posting this, but for all of you who are still around tonight (4 July): 


The moon turns full at:

5:44 a.m. tomorrow morning (5 July) in U.K.
12:44 a.m. tonight in Indiana
11:44 a.m. tonight (July 4) in Iowa
9:44 a.m. tonight (July 4) in California 
2:14 p.m. on July 5 in Adelaide, Australia

ALSO: a Penumbral Lunar Eclipse is visible (July 4-5) in the U.S. and also in the U.K. Go to this link to find the times that the eclipse begins, reaches maximum, and ends in your area. Just insert your city in the search box in the right column to see your own local times. SEE HERE

Everyone have a good evening!!!

  • Well, I wrote quite a detailed reply, but my tablet digested it, spat it out and lost it! Now I'm back on the desktop....

    Diane, Oh my dear, we all have our hearts going out to you - its not surprising you've had a grim time lately and dear me, that weather!!! I would retreat into a Sorry for Me ball and just die at those temps. So come on here and have a moan whenever you want....

    Quite eventful: Apparently Matthew went off to school quite happily, sporting his black eye. He was bumped into yesterday by another boy (never look where they're running, do they?) and fell against a concrete post next to him, cutting his head in the process. My son passed baby Rosie to another Mum, as he was holding her at the time, and after agreeing with the teacher on duty that A&E was required, rang our d.in.law who came out with Tomasz to join them all at the hospital. All sorted now.

    I put my hand into the knife drawer at lunchtime today and encountered a sharp meat cutting knife, blade up - my forefinger came off worst and I was dreading how much blood might ensue, but it was so very sharp that its made a very neat cut and only a plaster required. Said knife is now going to be kept in the knife block!

    We managed an hours walk with Bonnie where she behaved herself and didn't find any dead rabbits this time. Have had a letter from our caravan park who say that they are now waiting for a statement from the Minister for Wales tomorrow about whether they might open up the country to us visitors: if we can, we might go to Wales on Monday next for a couple of days to sort things out. We're hoping to get down to Droitwich first to see the Birthday Girl as this weekend the weather looks more promising, and means we can all sit in the garden. Fingers crossed on all counts.
  • Diane:  I sympathize sincerely - it all gets too much and then you have that heat and humidity!  I saw the news about the incident in Bloomington and then there's Fox news going after Senator Duckworth.  I was listening to a Fresh Air podcast yesterday - an interview with the author of Demagogue (Larry Tye) about Joe McCarthy and how his personality/methods are soooo similar to the Great White Bully.  He was optimistic in that McCarthy was finally driven out.  Re the virus, don't worry - Donny keeps saying it's all going to 'disappear'   Argghhh.   OH seems to be surviving, but what will he do when he won't have access to his computer - in another hour or so....  

    OG:  It took me over an hour to iron a pair of shorts this morning, what with multiple interruptions .  I kept zooming by the ironing board and being surprised it was there!

  • OG - Lovely to have your own fresh veg. My OH just went to the allotment so that we can have new potatoes again tonight with dinner, yum.

    Annette, I hope everything continues to go well and that you like your fresh new look. I think that that phenomenon happens every time you move a picture on a wall: there remains a mark where it has been, even though it looked OK. Hope your OH is not too put out by all the disruption, it sounds as if you are organised for it.

    I think someone asked about the name of the pretty rose I put on here but I'm sorry, we don't keep labels on plants as Bonnie thinks they're great to eat, so nothing here has a name!

  • Annette: Yup, I wasn't going to mention the Bloomington matter, because I wasn't sure how much to say on this thread. I actually wept when I read it, and it's been working on me emotionally ever since. I lived in Bloomington, Indiana, for five years after my divorce, while I attended college. For me, Bloomington was an oasis of progressivism and evolved thinking in an otherwise backward, reactionary, and mean-spirited state. I truly found myself there. Many of my values and beliefs were shaped there, and I've always had a nostalgic love for the city as it was back then. I fear for this country now. I really do. 

    I also heard the Larry Tye interview and found it fascinating. I did my junior thesis in journalism on the media coverage of Joe McCarthy. I watched hours of footage of him, and I've always recognized that Trump mimics his style, strategy, and tactics. It was largely TV journalist Edward R. Murrow who brought down McCarthy. Unfortunately, I don't think we have any journalists of that wisdom and integrity today. 

  • Hi everybody. Swallow chicks in my shed N.W.Scotland. 

  • Uamh: Nice to see you! Those swallows are glorious little critters!!!

  • Greetings Uamh  Enjoy the chicks.  Just Googled your name and found Uamh An Ard Achadh (High Pasture Cave).  Are you the cave, the pasture, or the high bit?  :-)

  • Hi Annette. My usename is after my nearest bit of sea (down the hill), Loch Nan Uamh. A beautiful evening here. Not quite sure what it means myself!
  • Uamh - I wonder how you pronounce that?
  • It's pronounced "ooor" Pat. Rhyming with "tour" or "poor"