Weekly Chat (Non-Osprey), 5 July 2020

I hope everyone has a wonderful week. Stay healthy, all.


Here's a repeat of my post at the end of last week's thread:

Hi, folks. I'm late in posting this, but for all of you who are still around tonight (4 July): 


The moon turns full at:

5:44 a.m. tomorrow morning (5 July) in U.K.
12:44 a.m. tonight in Indiana
11:44 a.m. tonight (July 4) in Iowa
9:44 a.m. tonight (July 4) in California 
2:14 p.m. on July 5 in Adelaide, Australia

ALSO: a Penumbral Lunar Eclipse is visible (July 4-5) in the U.S. and also in the U.K. Go to this link to find the times that the eclipse begins, reaches maximum, and ends in your area. Just insert your city in the search box in the right column to see your own local times. SEE HERE

Everyone have a good evening!!!

  • LINDY So good that your OH is able to help Sue. A good man to have around, for many reasons.

    We have just had the best morning. Our first treat was seeing a re squirrel in the garden again. The second was a lovely 2 hour walk at Dochgarroch, our first visit there since mid March. The third treat was most unexpected. I popped across the road to give my neighbour some freebies from M&S for his children. I was introduced to their 11 week old puppy who they collected 2 days ago. He is a pug/cavalier called Buddy and is just so cute.
  • I love that one dibnlib!

    All - I think the knee problems are widespread. (Sympathy for you, Heather, especially if it is swollen).
    My OH has to decide whether it is better to take the daily walk and put up with the knee pain, or not have exercise.
    I think for many of us, the kneeing days are over. Getting up from the floor is not a pretty sight.

    Thank you for posting the helpful sources Diane.
  • I did not see the above post before replying dibnlib. I meant your previous one about the fragrant bouquets, obviously.

    Glad that you have had a lovely morning. We all need those.
  • I read that once, about things called "nosegays" - they were full of flowers and spices, to put to ones nose when encountering the rather unsavoury things of life! Such as the state of the streets, the plumbing, (lack of!) and other people, LOL!!!

    Good to hear about your lovely morning, dibnlib. It sounds great. hope we can see a pic of little Buddy some time.

    I went to do the weeks shop, then after a quick coffee, spent the rest of the morning rushing about, trying to find confirmation that we will be able to go to Wales shortly (not in evidence at the time) and beginning to pack bags etc. We had a quick lunch too, but it was only after we had eaten it and I was clearing away that I realised with a sunken heart that my OH had completely forgotten that today was the funeral of an old golfing friend and that although they would not be able to attend the funeral, too many people, obviously, they had decided that they would line the street in tribute as the hearse left his home. That was to be at 12.15. When I realised he had missed it, it was 1.15pm .... oh dear.

    He is upset, and I think that mostly he is just cross with himself for forgetting. I had it marked on the calendar and at breakfast time we had discussed having a late lunch after he had been there.

  • Lindybird:  I hope your OH doesn't feel too bad - I'm finding these kinds of glitches seem to be popping up everywhere.  I think we're all so preoccupied adjusting to what is and what isn't 'normal' that we - I anyway - seem to be quite distracted.....

    dibnlib: A day full of simple pleaures then...    :-)

    Diane/Heather:  We get two health newsletters, once of which was touting the benefits for knees of keeping those quads nice and strong.  

    Painters busy in my room; am going to get some oranges off the tree.....

    Saw an item in the NYT this morning that referred to The Deadly Delusions of Mad King Donald.  

  • ANNETTE: I hope Lindy's OH doesn't beat himself up about it, too. I was thinking exactly the way you are.

    I've always been fairly high functioning, organized, and quick thinking. Right now, I can't remember anything. I'm needing to use my computer to remind me of everything. And I can't seem to think through the most mundane life issues. I get overwhelmed. All I can manage to do is focus on one task at a time, and that may or may not get done. Usually not. I just want to hibernate until 2020 is over.

    LINDY: You can show your OH this post if it will help him. 

  • Thank you so much DIANE, for the links. Once again, I feel grateful for all the advice and chat that we share, on here.
  • OK, well having just insisted that we didn't get a credit card bill from one bank this month, I just found it, right where it should have been. Arggghhh. Just called to ensure no late charge, but talk about distracted!!!
  • Weather did improve, warm and sunny but more breeze than yesterday. Fine weekend, apparently. Haven’t done much today, except watch entertaining birdlife – all common species, but such antics from the young ones!

    HEATHER – sorry that knee is getting you down. Hope you enjoyed visit from the young ones again. Kneeling? What’s that? Haven’t done it for about 30 years.

    LINDA – I hope Sue’s boiler responded to you OH’s attention – she does seem to have a lot of mishaps. Nosegays reminded me of “Ring a ring of roses” – wasn’t it believed that a pocket full of posies would ward off sickness – although I seem to remember the ring of roses (spots) had something to do with a plague (really should remember the things I find out!) Sorry for your poor OH missing the funeral cortege – a good number of funerals are doing that around here – especially in the villages.

    DIBNLIB – what a wonderful morning you had! We are so lucky with so many things, we have to count our blessings.

    DIANE – you put it so well, I am just the same – can’t even think things through logically – nothing makes sense any more.

    Will now admit to being tired – again! Not using energy, except brain energy in overdrive with “what if”s and “maybe”s etc.
  • Latest Swallow chick action in my shed N.W  Scotland. At least 4 in there I think!