Link to may/june-2020

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All captures and videos ©Scottish Wildlife Trust/Loch of the Lowes


As the season progresses, Laddie (LM12) continues to make occasional visits to the empty webcam nest, defending his area from passing intruders.  It is hoped that both he and NC0 have a successful nest in the vicinity of the Loch.



21st July  - NC0 made an appearance on the nest, her first visit since 19th April 

24th July  - NC0, confirmed ring identification during a second visit to the nest

10th August  - Laddie's last appearance on the webcam nest > Here and Video by Scylla

20th August  - One chick for Laddie (LM12) and NC0 > successful-first-season-for-loch-of-the-lowes-ospreys

6th September - Probable migration date for Laddie (LM12) and the juvenile was Saturday, 29th August >


  • I hope you're right Mary!
  • MaryGK said:
    Sandra P said:
    I have heard occasional Osprey calls (food soliciting) when I've had a chance to look at the cam throughout the day, nothing seen in the distant tree at those times though
    21:09 Distant calling again

    You know what that normally means Sandra


    Well if not a juvenile then perhaps NC0, Mary! Definitely not alarm calls or chipping that I'd heard so I presume the only other calls they make are food soliciting?

    I haven't seen any (large bird) visits to the nest again today

    Scylla, I don't know how you managed to find those little birds - thank you for the cute video! Slight smile

  • Sandra P said:
    I don't know how you managed to find those little birds

    What caught my eye was a very miniature brown tumbleweedy critter bouncing around Relaxed

    Nothing to report up to just now.

    Oops!  Mustn't forget the fly.  Those darn flies make me think there are birds flying over the Loch.

  • If it is NC0 then that is a positive too, that she is still around at this stage, but usually females from failed nests migrate earlier than this date.  

    It's all a bit mysterious really, and is just a shame that the VC is not open yet, then some visitor could shed a bit of light on what was happening at the loch. 

  • Morning all
    I noticed a bird in the dead tree, thought maybe a little to small to be an Osprey but then it made a dive - its splash alerted me! It's now back on the tree, made a couple of calls on landing

    Splash down. Flew off to the right afterwards

    Flight away

    Back to the tree

    Around 9:45 It flew from the tree over the Loch and went back past the dead tree out of sight - calling as it did. I'm not sure if there were 2 that flew away

    Edit at 14:20 - I've just replayed the footage from 9:45ish, only the one flew away


  • I thought this was much earlier than your sighting, SANDRA - but if it is, then that means there was more later which I am not going to attempt to find.  I'm not saying this for sympathy (or am I?)... and I have to do my utmost to produce "these things", but it worries me that I can't spend any more time or angst on them to try to do better, and I hear critical voices the whole time!  Lunatic or wot?! Upside down

    Sound has been upped but the very best result is achieved at the end by the

    Sandra P said:
    2 that flew away

    which were corvids, dang!

    We start off with vague flyovers right at the top.  And don't be fooled by the thumbnail - that was a rare "close-up" that I picked hoping to catch YouTubers' eyes ;)

  • Superb, Scylla, you found more than I was able to watch this morning! Thank you so very much! Smiley

    I wonder if one of those was a juvenile? Thinking


  • scylla said:

    Well, I've watched ospreys for about 15 years now, both webcammed and live in various locations, and I'm going to stick my neck out and say that the video definitely includes a juvenile. The way it calls, and seems to be practising taking-off, and landing (sometimes a bit of a foozle), and even an attempt at fishing. Well done for capturing all of that. Wouldn't it be wonderful if Lowes could confirm? As Mary said, if NC0 is hanging around it suggests her nest didn't fail, wherever it was. Great reporting by you all, thanks. 

  • Hope this hasn't already been posted:

  • Thanks for posting that scylla. Good to know they're reopening. Maybe someone will manage a wee trip there and report back on the chick-situation?