Link to may/june-2020

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All captures and videos ©Scottish Wildlife Trust/Loch of the Lowes


As the season progresses, Laddie (LM12) continues to make occasional visits to the empty webcam nest, defending his area from passing intruders.  It is hoped that both he and NC0 have a successful nest in the vicinity of the Loch.



21st July  - NC0 made an appearance on the nest, her first visit since 19th April 

24th July  - NC0, confirmed ring identification during a second visit to the nest

10th August  - Laddie's last appearance on the webcam nest > Here and Video by Scylla

20th August  - One chick for Laddie (LM12) and NC0 > successful-first-season-for-loch-of-the-lowes-ospreys

6th September - Probable migration date for Laddie (LM12) and the juvenile was Saturday, 29th August >


  • Thanks SANDRA I do hope Louis is syl with NC0 and they have chicks I wonder if anybody can go for a look around now
  • patily said:
    Thanks SANDRA I do hope Louis is syl with NC0 and they have chicks I wonder if anybody can go for a look around now

    It would be lovely to know, but it would have to be from a great distance with very strong binoculars, them having been so disturbed already this season :'(

    And altho you're not asking, I don't think they've had chicks - so please somebody prove me wrong ;)

    LOTL's download only has 5 minutes to go so I'll let it run its course and do Poole Harbour in the meantime :)

  • Sandra P said:
    From scroll back. Laddie on the nest at 10:20 - stayed for approx. 30 minutes

    You may have seen my whinge on Poole Harbour re the latest version of my download software taking ages to stop/restart - well it's done it to Laddie and missed his landing, so I won't do a video, thank goodness for your comprehensive snaps, SANDRA :-*

  • Ok Scylla, please don't worry Kissing heart
     Laddie didn't really do much on his visit but he at least will still be on scroll back prior to 22:50ish tonight, if viewers would like to see him Heart eyes

    I've not seen any other appearances to the nest - unless I've missed extremely brief landings that may not have shown while scrolling back

  • patily said:
    Thanks SANDRA I do hope Louis is syl with NC0 and they have chicks I wonder if anybody can go for a look around now

    You're welcome Patily

    I'm sure there will still be reserve officers/security around the area keeping an eye out. Hopefully there will be an update from Lowes soon once they are fully open to the public.

    It does beg the question as to what Laddie, but especially NC0 due to her lack of appearances on cam, have been doing for the past 3 months. It would be the icing on the cake if a juvenile or two came visiting with one or both adults! (I'm trying to remain optimistic) Slight smile

  • 23:14 There was a loud clatter, couldn't see anything, but then the Tawny juveniles came to the nest at 23:19


  • Well like scylla I don't think there are chicks either, Laddie normally looks a lot thinner by this stage in the season when he is run ragged supplying fish. Laddie has looked extremely healthy and quite relaxed. I really do hope I am wrong though, I would love them to have had at least one. Hopefully we get some news soon.
  • 23:35 Both off the nest but still close by, calling

    Some snaps from their visit

    This one did go behind the nest, within the grass, but was so well camouflaged that I didn't take a snap


  • I must admit, Laddie does look really well, Starling, as does NC0 :)
  • Well caught again Sandra, Laddie does look well.    I guess we will have to wait and see if SWT are going to let people know if they have had any chick/s or not, I am sure someone will know as the frustration nest is not that far from the main nest, of course they may not have used it, but I do think they stayed somewhere on the Loch and not elsewhere at one of the other lochs around the area, as Laddie was too quick to fly in to defend the nest.   

    Maybe they laid eggs and they failed for whatever reason, it is one of those sad season's that will go down in history with all the others that have failed, this year has also been particularly bad for non-returners too, I think 2020 is a year we won't want to remember for many reasons.