Weekly Chat (Non-Osprey), 14 June 2020


I hope everyone has a wonderful, safe, healthy week! 

  • A tub full of wallflowers & thingummies!!

  • Quiet on here... I've been busy with various HW jobs, including an important one, filling up the sherry decanter again, and fighting with our new smart tv - I finally got it to "speak" to our Wi-Fi, success!!

    Also, more importantly, I began again at the beginning with the blood pressure monitor. Not helped by reading on the website recommended to us by the surgery, which states that they don't recommend wrist measurement ones. Anyhow, ignoring that, I've forged ahead and realised that one of the settings on the monitor changes its readings and we had it on the wrong one, which changes it from gibberish to something which appears correct!! Hooray!!

    Took my blood pressure twice, and my OHs when he came home. We have decided that we are not prematurely dead, after all, and intend to take a few more readings before ringing in with them to the surgery. Drama over, I hope...
  • We just had a really good rumble or two of thunder, and a couple of short sharp showers. Yesterday we had some, too, so at least the garden has enjoyed a good drink.
  • Thought I'd pop in to keep Lindybird company.   Got laundry going; ironing later.   Put various travel bits and pieces away.  We have June Gloom, which is fine for me right.  And it wasn't too hot in Prescott Valley - just the mid-80s with a good breeze..   Went for a 2-mile walk around the lake  with Ms. D, which at almost 6,000 ft  was just a little tiring.  More later.

  • Sorry, just had a dopey day! Walked to town this morning, came home, had lunch and where did the rest of the day go? Pulled few weeds, did a couple loads of washing but not much else. Fell asleep at about 6pm. Ridiculous!
  • No rain since some time in the night - tiring heat and humidity. Will catch up tomorrow.
  • We have had some thundery showers over the last couple of days. Very welcome. The grass with weeds is looking greener. Looks like some hot weather to come next week. Watering will have to recommence. It has been good to have a respite from this recently.

    OH and I went for a walk to a nearby public garden which usually has wonderful flower beds with interesting plants.
    Last time we were there, a couple of weeks ago, the soil was bare, but today the beds were being re planted.
    The cafe is now open for takeaway, so we found a seat and drunk our coffee. Things are getting back to normal, but it will take a long time to adjust. Strange times.
  • had some rumbles of thunder this evening and some rain - heavy shower late last night.

    Son came round for a safe meeting with us - bought his dad his FD gift. Nice to see him although his hair has grown. Said I could cut it for him - not on your life he said, have an appointment in 3 wks to have it cut. Cricket practice has begun again along with safe distancing. Probably won't get a match this season but one can live in hope.
    OH went to pick up his car this afternoon, it had had a bump repaired. Now as good as new only the MOT to do.

    Heather - always nice to have a "dopey" day, relaxes you and you can do what you want.

    Linda - love the pots of flowers, nice and bright to lift ones spirits.
  • Marathon Wednesday - food shopping, waiting at Doc’s to collect OH’s script, waiting at chemist for pills, then home to unload supplies. The sooner OH goes back to lunching out the better; he is snacking too much. I could be mean and not refill pantry!
  • Always remember that you are absolutely unique. Just like everyone else. (Margaret Mead)

    All generalizations are false, including this one. (Mark Twain)

    What do I do when I see someone extremely gorgeous…? I stare, I smile, and when I get tired . . . I put the mirror down.

    We are here on earth to do good to others. What the others are here for, I don't know. (W H Auden (1907-1973))